Girl Introduces the "Pickle-tini" to TikTok and Pickle People are Making It Go Viral


You're either a pickle person or you're not; there is no in-between. You either love pickles or you despise them. If you're a pickle person, then buckle up, baby, because here is your new favorite cocktail. 


TikTok user Emily aka @emilyroudebush posted a video a little over a week ago of her drinking a cocktail at her local bar called a “pickle-tini.” If it isn't obvious to you in the name, it's basically just a dirty martini, but instead of olive juice it uses pickle juice. And, oh boy, have the pickle people gathered. 


“The flavors are melting on my tongue…”:


The viral video uses a trending sound saying, “mmmmm, the flavors are melting on my tongue.” While the content creator says she's on her third pickle-tini. Viewers are desperate to give their tongues a taste of this pickle-lovers' dream cocktail. With almost a million views, Emily finally decided to post a tutorial of the cocktail. She says she's only ever ordered it at her local college bar and she's also not a bartender, so her tutorial is an amateur one—but viewers are still grateful for it. There are also commenters giving some advice on different versions of the cocktail, like what specific pickle juice and vodka brands to use. 


For the pickle people drinkers of the world, this one's for you!


Pickle-tini Turotial:


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