Wish we could say he got the job, but this poor woman went through every emotion known to humankind with this story before she told him he wasn't a good fit for the company.
TikToker @jrobdarcel is known for his pranks. His videos are of him pulling pranks of all kinds on unsuspecting victims and it's hilarious—but this one takes the cake. For this prank, he set up a real job interview and purposely bombed it by telling a story that made absolutely no sense.
The interviewer asked him to tell her about him self and he starts off with, “I just graduated from home last year ago with a degree in walking face with a minor in water in the snow…I'm also a dentist who fixes feet at the vet while I'm wide asleep…” Like, what does that even mean? The woman's face shows a rollercoaster of emotions, with head tilts on par with confused dogs. She almost looks frightened when she finally cuts him off and says, “I would not hold your breath waiting for a phone call.” To which he hilariously responds with, “uuuhhh…. So do I start last year?”
“Telling a job interviewer a story that don't make sense”
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