"When Boys Pee, Do They Hold It Like a Joint or a Cigarette?" Is the Viral Question Trending on Twitter and TikTok Right Now


It started with a tweet from @bugposting when she asked, “when guys pee do they hold it like a joint or like a cigarette?" And BAM! Boy, did the internet have so much to say about this. The thread instantly started popping off, with men responding with their personal techniques and women asking so many questions. Girlfriends' and wives' started calling their partners asking them for their answer. It may not have been the questions we wanted, but it was the one we needed.  


Eventually, the thread caught the eye of TikToker @maybeitsrey, bringing an entirely different side to social media up to the plate. Now viral, the video has shlong wielding people swapping pro-techniques, inside jokes, and even more questions. The video is well past 100k views and is quickly about to reach 3k comments—that's almost 3k people curious about something I'm sure they never even thought of before all of this. 


When men pee, how do they hold it:



The amount of different styles shared is actually quite impressive. Thousands and thousands of social media users are flooding in to give their two-cents and it could fill an entire chapter book at this point. 



Though Twitter and TikTok are both social media platforms, the vibe on each of them are different. TikTok has less questions and more short responses, as if holding it “like a sword” was just common knowledge. 



Some responses paint a very specific picture. In fact, it's difficult not to imagine many of these moves in your mind's eye—but oddly enough, it's not upsetting. It just feels educational



One idea that was really starting to sway some people to give it a go, was the “billiards” technique, where you hold it like a pool stick getting ready to cue up a ball. Though, this way requires two hands, and many are opposed to using more than one or any hands at all. 



Hands free seemed to be a common one between both Twitter and TikTok. Though many men also said they used different techniques when requiring better aim, which had many of the women asking, “when is there a time where you're not requiring aim??”



This is just another instant where social media has provided us with a very thorough answer to a question we never really wanted to ask. But we're all a little more educated from it now. How many of you are going to give some of these technique a whirl after reading this? 


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