When I was a kid, I won a goldfish at the fair. This was not just any goldfish, but a factory-farmed, feeder-quality goldie that looked like the most unremarkable fish you've ever seen.
We didn't expect the fish to even make it home alive, but I had faith in my lil guy. At first, Goldfred's tank was as generic as he was, but as he continued to outlive his expected shelf life, his little tank grew in size and swagger. Years went by and Goldfred's charm and perserverence grew on everyone. Although he was an entry-level prize for winning the ring-toss game at the county fair, Goldfred had exceeded all expectations– he even got to celebrate his 5th birthday!
Not everyone's fish is as resilient or as hardy as my Goldfred, but our next story is about a beta fish that defied all odds! After being frozen solid in his tank, Greg the beta fish resurrected. Scroll for the emotional rollercoaster of an incredibly strong fish that couldn't quite reach the finish line. At least now we know that Greg is in fishy heaven with Goldfred, enjoying warm, tropical waters and a fish-flavored piña colada.