TikTokers Have Learned About the Lost Olympic Sport of Ski Ballet and Want It Back


Have you ever heard of Ski Ballet? Many have not, but it used to be an Olympic sport. In 1994 it began to fizzle out due to lack of participants and was eventually dropped from the Olympics—never making staple sport status. Recently, TikTokers have been discovering the lost sport and are dazzled by it. With the viral-ness of some of these videos, maybe it'll help bring the sport back. 


Ski Ballet is exactly what it sounds like; a choreographed dance on skis. It requires jumps with ski poles, and an entire routine as you slowly ski down a hill. TikTokers are fascinated by the sport, and an Olympic champion even joined the app just to post his own video about it. 



The Olympic champion Fabrice Becker won the medal for Ski Ballet in 1992. He recently posted a video on his own TikTok of him recreating the ski dance. It's epic and he still executes it flawlessly. 


Fabrice Becker:


Even the Olympics' official TikTok has posted a throwback video of a ski ballet routine from back in the day and has received over a million views. Commenters are saying that the sport should definitely be brought back. 


Olympics official:


If we've all learned on thing about TikTok and social media in general, it definitely has the power to make some changes. Perhaps next year we'll start to see some more people doing flips on the slopes again. Until then, we've got the clock app to give us all the throwback Ski Ballet videos to jump start a new obsession. 



Ski Ballet:


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