People on Ships are Sharing Videos of the Middle of the Ocean at Night, Triggering Everyone's Thalassophobia


Thalassophobia is an intense fear of large bodies of water like the ocean. It's not just being afraid of drowning or getting stung by a jelly fish. It's a phobia of many much scarier things combined like not knowing what is underneath you, imagining a sea monster as big as a mountain swimming up to you, or finding yourself lost in the middle of the ocean with no land or human life in site. Combine all that fear with the scary pitch black darkness that comes with being in the middle of the ocean at night and things get terrifying even if you don't particular have Thalassophobia. 


Recently, TikTokers who find themselves in the middle of the ocean at night, like people on cruises, sailors, or seamen/fishermen who work on ships, have been sharing views of the all consuming darkness of the ocean's nighttime. 


Sailing at night


The ocean is beautiful, but it is also deadly. Even the top marine biologists of the world still don't know everything about the creatures or underwater landscapes and inner workings of these large bodies of water. The ocean covers over 70% of the earth's surface and, before humans it covered even more. Which means, there are depths to this other watery world that we just don't know anything about. When you're riding the waves unable to see what could possible be going on underneath you or even next to you because it's so dark, that's at least a little scary to just about anybody. 


Cruise at night

TowBoater at night

Fishing at night


Why has this become a trend on TikTok? Who knows, TikTok is home to many inexplicably viral things. Even this oil rig operator got in on the posting. The trend is definitely providing the world with some spooky content. Now viewers know that cruises aren't all waterslides, food buffets, and pretty views. When you go on a ship, you have to also be prepared to handle the all consuming darkness at night. 


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