College Senior Gives Birth in the Toilet After Not Realizing She was Pregnant, is Now Sharing Her Story on TikTok


Women are always hearing about unknown pregnancies and moms giving birth out of the blue. It all feels like a fiction novel a male probably wrote. But it's actually realty. It's actually pretty common for first time pregnant women not to show and some even still get their periods the entire time.


First there was the early 2000s show I Didn't Know I Was Pregnant and now it's TikTok giving proof to the non-believers that these kinds of births happen. Last year it was frat baby on TikTok who surprised the world, now it's toilet baby


Story time:


TikToker Teagan Brill has been sharing videos explaining how her sweet little bundle of joy shocked his family and came to be. She had a long-distant relationship with her now husband at the time and didn't see him in-person all that often. As a senior in college, she was living her life just as you would imagine—especially since it was her 21st birthday that year. A couple of weeks before giving birth she realized she was pregnant after thinking she gained a little weight and frivolously took a pregnancy test. 


She thought she was either one month pregnant or three when she thought back on the last few times she saw her boyfriend (now husband). She didn't realize she needed to count back several more months. Turns out she was already 9 months pregnant and that boy was getting ready to come out. 


He was born OVER a toilet, not IN it…

Photos while she was pregnant and didn't know


One morning she woke up because she had to poop really badly. But when she went to use the toilet she realized she was extremely dilated down there. She tried calling her roommates, because yes, she was living in a college apartment with roommates. It was early in the morning and she heard all their phones go off, and none of them answered. She then called 9-1-1 and as they were on their way over, it was too late, this boy was coming out. As she's standing over the toilet she starts to him coming out and she just grabs him, pulls him out, and wraps him in a towel. How bada** is that??


He was 9 pounds, 6 ounces, and 21 inches long and perfectly healthy (which she was worried about because she had been partying like college kids do the entire time she didn't know she was pregnant). 


Baby Owen


She had to make the calls to her family and the baby's father and boy was it shocking. The family had no idea she was even pregnant (much like the mom) and the baby's dad thought they had a lot more time to prepare. The doctors suspected since she was very tall at six feet, it was possible the baby grew behind her ribs and not in front like most, and that's why she didn't show. Teagan posts her story and answers any questions her followers comment about the entire situation. She's a very happy mom and shares many fun videos of her baby that always go viral. 


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