Cats are not on the list of animals officially permitted to be service animals. They can be emotional support animals (ESA), but they are not used to help as a medical device. For example, dogs can be trained to alert people who have diabetes when their sugar is too low or high, or alert epileptic people when a seizure is coming on. However, TikTok Kelz aka @minikitty86 might have a cat named Mini changing the game.
Recently, Kelz posted a video telling the story about how her small black cat named Mini saved her. The TikToker is asthmatic and one night she was about to have a massive asthma attack. She could've simply stopped breathing and died in her sleep, but, before the attack started, she was abruptly awoken by her cat who was meowing as loud as her little body would allow her, crawling and pawing all over her ma. Even after she woke up, the cat wouldn't stop making a fuss until her ma had gotten her inhaler and taken her meds. Though the cat wasn't prone to sleeping with her human in the bed, that night the kitten slept on her ma's chest the whole night through.

“She woke me up moments before I went into an asthma attack. I usually don’t wake up ‘til its reaaallly bad. Did she know?!” Kelz says. “Insomnia meds and asthma are a scary combo. I didn’t feel the attack when she first woke me but a minute later it started.” In the video while she tells the whole story, Mini is meowing with what looks like pride for saving her mom.
Mini the Kitty Saves Her Ma
Viewers are starting to share their stories as well in the comments of when their kitty saved them from a medical emergency. One person commented, “my bf is a type 1 diabetic and his blood sugar was EXTREMELY low! My kitten knows he will not wake up when he's that low and normally his phone would be beeping because he has a blood sugar sensor. But his phone was off that night for some reason. So my kitten woke me up and refused to let me sleep. So I got up and saw that my bf's phone was off, turned it on and he was so low he was about to have a seizure. I got him sugar and woke him up and immediately after he was safe my kitten fell asleep and let me go back to sleep too. It could have been coincidence, but I swear he knew.”
Another commenter said, “did you know cat purring has healing abilities. and YES cats are capable of sensing illnesses. some cats have detected cancer in their owners bodies!” One person even said, “My cat knew I had COVID before I did. She started being extra cuddly with me and wouldn’t let me get outta bed once it started getting bad 😭.”
Cats might not be on the service animal list, YET.
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