
Just Medieval Things

  • 1

    Owche, mine skull.

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  • 2
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  • 3
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  • 4
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  • 5

    CDXX, blæze it.

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  • 6

    I lack fuches to giv.

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  • 7
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  • 8

    Hath thy loines cryed out in ecstasie?

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    For I am not getting anie ye olde younger heere.

  • 9
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  • 10
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    Wall-Marte hath never beene this crowded beefor!

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  • 12

    I muste look flie for ye olde afterlyfe.

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  • 13
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    That beeth the sownd of alimonie.

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  • 15
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  • 17

    Mine choir page hath naught but fyve minutes charge lefte.

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    And somebodie hath ripp'd asse.

  • 18
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    At leaste I have gæmes.

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  • 21
    classical art memes from medieval times - Text - What year is it? -1332, son And why the fnk i was born in the midst of plague, mum? To die?
  • 22

    Ye olde anoying texte.

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  • 23

    Selfy tyme!

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  • 24
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    Waite 'til nexte trippe.

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