It's a good thing there was a wall of glass between this hungry lioness at the Audubon Zoo, New Orleans, and the 3-year-old boy who was looking too tasty for the lioness to ignore!
As the boy sat in front of the lion enclosure, the lioness named Zuri slowly crept forward to him... then pounced! On the zoo's website, Zuri is described as "playful, outgoing and inquisitive, and her hobbies are chasing butterflies and people watching." However, Zuri was a tad bit more interested in people -- without the watching.
The 3-year-old seemed rather unfazed by the sudden pounce, instead of fleeing in fear, the family simply turned it into a Kodak moment.
One thing is for sure, Zuri was most definitely eager to grab a hold on that little boy.
The zoo officials have now warned visitors against trying to recreate this and other similar viral moments. As well as, urging guest not to provoke the animals in anyway by tapping on the glass, taunting them or throwing anything into the enclosures.