I Can Has Cheezburger? Newsletter

Beautiful Fluffy White Cat Sparks Delight in TikTokers Because He Loves His Roomba So Much


It's no surprise that a cat enjoys something random as its favorite toy rather than the expensive toys the cat parent buys for it. This time it's a gorgeous white fluffy cat that has fallen in love with a robot vacuum. The sibling kitties Delilah and Decklyn have a TikTok account dedicated to showing off their epic cuteness. But recently it's been Decklyn stealing the spotlight for his random love of his home's Roomba.  


“No thoughts only Roomba,” Decklyn's mom puts as the caption on one of his many viral videos of him riding his Roomba—because, let's face it, it's very clear that this robot vacuum is his and not his mom's, no matter what the receipt says. 


Everything's Good as Long as the Robot Vacuum is Fully Charged


It's not just that he rides the robot around, he also plays with its bristles and cuddles next to it for naps. The robot doesn't seem to be just a game of cat and mouse to the pretty kitty, but more like a friend and playmate. Viewers are absolutely in love with the cat's obsession and provide thousands of views to the videos, making him going more and more viral every day. 


Only Paws w/ Robot Vacuum

So This is Love


Though his sister Delilah doesn't seem to be as interested in the robot, she's still featured on the account—especially since the two look so similar. Both are simply gorgeous white cats that are always looking like they just got pampered and cleaned. Maybe Decklyn is always looking so clean because he hangs out so much with a vacuum cleaner… 


Won't Leave Roomba Alone


Play w/ Cat Toys vs. Roomba


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