'My job tried to charge me for personal calls': Employee demands payment for any calls they take outside of work hours


The phenomenally named Reddit user, u/juicybuttfarts, had the former scenario occur when they were told they would have to start paying for their personal phone calls on their workplace's unlimited minute cellular plan. 

Now, I don't know if this is universal, but I have always thought that one of the perks of having a work phone was that you could use it for personal use. I can understand exceptions if you are dealing with sensitive information or something, but I thought this was pretty standard practice. I prefer to have my own phone because I like to keep my work and private life separate, but I've had colleagues who use it as a cost-saving measure.

What's your experience? Have you or would you use a work phone for your private use?

Keep reading to see screenshots of the thread below and check here for more malicious compliance. 







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