Five Acts of Internet Charity That Prove We're Not All Bad

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    In the wake of the tragedy in Boston last week, Reddit's "Random Acts of Pizza" community donated 1,500 pizzas to hospitals and emergency centers in the area.

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    Free hugs for one and all!

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    In 2004, New Yorker Jayson Littman began giving out free hugs in Washington Square Park. This started a trend that began to pick up after Juan Mann continued the practice in Sydney. Since then, Free Hugs projects have been seen as far away as South Korea.
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    Facebook spreads compassion in the Middle East

    In March of last year, Tel Aviv-residents and Israeli graphic designers Ronny Edry and Michal Tamir began a Facebook campaign to promote good will and peace towards their Iranian neighbors during a time of political unrest. At first the campaign was met with satire and cynicism, but within days response images began to appear from Iranian Facebook users:
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    Remember Caine's Arcade, the boy who made a cardboard amusement center for his neighborhood?

    In less than a week, Caine received $150,000 to go towards his college education, and his parents helped establish a program to aid similar child entrepreneurs:
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    The bullied bus monitor, Karen Klein, used $100,000 of her donations to start an anti-bullying foundation after her video went viral.


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