In the wake of the tragedy in Boston last week, Reddit's "Random Acts of Pizza" community donated 1,500 pizzas to hospitals and emergency centers in the area.
Free hugs for one and all!
In 2004, New Yorker Jayson Littman began giving out free hugs in Washington Square Park. This started a trend that began to pick up after Juan Mann continued the practice in Sydney. Since then, Free Hugs projects have been seen as far away as South Korea.
Facebook spreads compassion in the Middle East
In March of last year, Tel Aviv-residents and Israeli graphic designers Ronny Edry and Michal Tamir began a Facebook campaign to promote good will and peace towards their Iranian neighbors during a time of political unrest. At first the campaign was met with satire and cynicism, but within days response images began to appear from Iranian Facebook users:
Remember Caine's Arcade, the boy who made a cardboard amusement center for his neighborhood?
In less than a week, Caine received $150,000 to go towards his college education, and his parents helped establish a program to aid similar child entrepreneurs:
The bullied bus monitor, Karen Klein, used $100,000 of her donations to start an anti-bullying foundation after her video went viral.