
25 Images And Memes Of CVS Receipts That Won't Surprise You But Will Amuse You

  • 1

    "Just collecting my CVS receipt"

    CVS receipt meme of a gymnast using a ribbon and comparing it to how long CVS receipts are
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  • 2

    "Bathroom at CVS"

    CVS receipt meme of a huge toilet paper roll near the toilet
  • 3
    CVS receipt meme that the earth and sun are measures using the distance of receipts
  • 4

    "Ancient CVS receipt"

    CVS receipt meme of a long stone with hieroglyphics
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  • 5
    CVS receipt meme using it to replace a broken blind
  • 6

    "Here at CVS headquarters, we got word someone is going to buy a can of Almonds. We are getting their receipt ready..."

    CVS receipt meme of huge rolls that looks like receipt paper
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  • 7

    "Bought some chapstick at CVS today..."

    CVS receipt meme and it's close to the height of the person holding it
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  • 8

    "Bought 2 Lifesavers at CVS and the receipt was almost as long as my truck bed"

    CVS receipt meme that's the length of a trunk of a car
  • 9

    "Had to get help to refill the receipt printer at CVS"

    CVS receipt meme of what looks like a huge roll of receipt paper
  • 10

    "It's hard to appreciate the CVS receipt references on Reddit until you experience it first hand. Total amount spent: $9.66"

    CVS receipt meme that's almost the length of the table
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  • 11

    "My husband’s cvs receipt after buying one thing."

    CVS receipt meme after purchasing one item it's almost as tall as him
  • 12

    "I bought a can of Diet Coke at CVS. I’m 5’2”"

    CVS receipt meme that the receipt is taller than the woman holding it
  • 13

    "Just hit up cvs for a cool new scarf and head band."

    CVS receipt meme using it as a headband
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  • 14

    "They grow so up so fast. At one year old, my baby is almost one whole CVS receipt long."

    CVS receipt meme that the receipt is longer than a baby
  • 15

    "Behold, the world's shortest CVS receipt."

    CVS receipt meme that the shortest receipt is still longer than a banana
  • 16

    "When your dress is designed by CVS"

    CVS receipt meme comparing Meghan Markel's veil to the length of a CVS receipt
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  • 17
    CVS receipt meme of two women holding it to see how long it really is
  • 18

    "The wife said she’s not gonna buy a lot...”just going to go look at a few things”"

    CVS receipt meme that is almost the length of a living room
  • 19

    " Dear CVS, thank you for giving me a 3 foot long receipt when I bought some TicTacs. It was the inspiration for my Halloween costume."

    CVS receipt meme of a man wearing it as a costume
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  • 20

    "Tonight’s CVS receipt for a $4 purchase"

    CVS receipt meme that is measured at 4ft long
  • 21

    "CVS receipt in art form."

    CVS receipt meme that it's so long that it drags behind him
  • 22

    "I was walking home from CVS this morning when the wind blew my receipt out of my hand."

    CVS receipt meme of a house covered in toilet paper and comparing it to CVS receipts
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  • 23

    "My friend bought a pack of gum and mascara at CVS"

    CVS receipt meme after buying just two items that it spans the length of the room
  • 24

    "$0 CVS receipt for a flu shot. (Corgi for scale)"

    CVS receipt meme that it is longer than a Corgi
  • 25

    "What I bought from CVS compared to the receipt..."

    CVS receipt meme that the receipt is longer than the table


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