Roosh V, creepy 'pick-up artist' and author of far too many books with the word 'Bang' in the title, did not meet many fans of his work over the weekend in Montreal.
He traveled to the Canadian city to hold a seminar on how guys can best try and trick girls to sleep with them. Only, the venue shut it down when they learned what the seminar entailed.
Then, it says in the MtlBlog story:
Here's where it gets good. Roosh decided to go out to a bar after his event, and that's when he had a beer pitched in his face. Then another and then yet another. The wonderful people at the bar then chased him out, yelling at him to "get the f*ck out of Montreal" but that's not where things ended. The patrons followed Roosh all the way back to where he was staying just to make sure he knew he wasn't wanted here.
After that, he had little hope of peace as Mtblog states that one of the girls who threw a drink on him posted this (although the website doesn't say where it was posted):
Karma came calling.