Meet Elli!
Owner Nicole, from Germany, adopted Elli and her sister from a local farm when they were four months old. They had mites and infections in their ears and needed some serious tender love and care. Nicole nursed them both back to health.
Also, both Elli and her sister are Tuxedo cats! With the usual tuxedo coat as a sure sign.
First sign
It was first spotted on her back in a very small patch. One day the owner noticed a white patch on Elli's fur. At first glance, she thought it was lint, but soon more and more white patches appeared.
The owner became worried and went to the vet. There she was told, that Elli was suffering from a rare disorder called Vitiligo. This disorder affects the pigmentation of the skin and hair. Certain areas lose their ability to form pigments correctly thus resulting in discoloration in the affected areas. This then often creates wild patterns of colored and noncolored patches.
Thankfully, it has only aesthetic effects so Elli is otherwise purrfectly healthy!
Beautiful coat
She just happens to look a bit different - in a wonderful way.
Then vs Now
Here's what Elli looked like as a kitten versus her beautiful self today!
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