I close my eyes, trying to fall asleep at night, only to be struck by a barrage of tormented images....the corpses of players lining the once busy streets of Orgrimmar. Such devastation and ruination, in such an alarmingly short period of time. Some folks found it humorous, as it was all one colossal f**king accident. For those unaware, here's what you need to know about the 'Corrupted Blood' incident in World of Warcraft:
The Corrupted Blood Incident began on September 13, 2005 and went on for one week. The epidemic took root in the intro of a new raid Zul'Gurub and its end boss Hakkar the Soulflayer. Whattup Hakkar:
If you attacked Hakkar he'd cast a hit-point draining, debuff spell called 'Corrupted Blood' that was highly contagious, on players.
Now this is where it gets interesting in our little story...
The spell which was only intended to last a few seconds and STAY in Zul'Gurub ended up being spread by way of pets and minions well outside Zul'Gurub. And thus the pandemic was underway--both low and high level players were instantaneously 'rekt' by this curse that massively altered traditional gameplay.
Players tried everything...quarantines, straight up abandoning zones, but nothing worked until a series of new patches/updates were implemented. Pretty damn funny, pretty damn annoying. So pour one out today for the brave souls lost in The Great Plague of Zul'Gurub!