Ep3: Bossy Talks About "Heartbreaks"
Let us just make one thing clear, we've all experienced heartbreak and all experiences of it are different. There is the heartbreak of losing a loved one, losing a pet, leaving a place, sometimes there is the heartbreak of disappointment. And let us not forget the Heartbreak of a Breakup. You go through the stages to get over your achy heart and in time it heals. BUT NO ONE FORGETS THEIR FIRST. The "whys" that still haunt us. The feelings we experienced without even knowing what we were experiencing and our favorite, how we got through it.
Even years later, the girls of BOSSY still remember exactly what happened, how it happened and how their hearts broke. But more importantly, they also remember and have epic tips on how to get through it. So they told us and we just have to say... we can totally relate!