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Feral Cat Decides Not to Be Feral Anymore, Turns into Cuddliest & Sweetest Baby


Sometimes there are just too many stray cats in your neighborhood to take them all in—those are usually called a cat colony. When this happens, usually, a local cat lover will just naturally become the food provider of the colony either in their backyard, garage, front porch, or whatever. The cat lady or fella will simply start feeding the hoards of cats because they car, but can't take them all in (especially because many are usually feral) and then the cats know that's where they need to go to get a full belly. 


TikToker @felinesandfoliage feeds the cat colony in her neighborhood from her backyard and recently posted a video that has gone viral. The video shows a cat—one of those cats that looks like a forever kitten—that is showing the TikToker so much love. However, in the video it explains that this kitty actually used to be feral and this is the first time she allowed to get pets. And she not only allowed the TikToker to pet her, it seemed more like she was demanding it. 


From Feral to Sweetheart


“One day this sweet girl decided she wanted pets with her breakfast,” the TikToker says in the video. “Bunny decided she didn't want to be feral anymore." She named the cat Bunny and explains that the cat actually migrated from another cat colony because the woman who was feeding that one had moved away. Bunny would usually eat her food and dart away, but this day was like a completely different kitty. She was a tad skittish for a second, but then came right up to her and demanded pets. She even does happy little standing feet biscuits while staring up at her. It is absolutely heart-melting


The TikToker doesn't have a lot of videos posted yet, but she does explain that she helps lots of feral cats. She shares a video saying that it started with one feral kitten that she saved and then she realized she had the ability to save any kitten or cat she came by on the streets. 


“Who knew one baby would lead to so many being save"


One loving cat is all it takes to show you that every cat deserves to be saved. 


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