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Cat Goes Viral for Mocking Mom While She's Eating Popcorn


Cats are regal creatures who have been compared to the likes of gods and goddesses. Heck, they used to be worshipped in ancient Egypt and, let's be honest, cat parents are still worshipping them. They walk like proper sly royalty and only accept the finest things. Some will allow their human to cuddle and touch them while others will bring out the murder mittens. Whatever they do, we still love them. 


However, some cats have a derpy side. It's also why we love them. A TikToker who dedicates her account to her cats recently had one of her fur babies go viral for an adorable derpy moment. While she was crunching down on some popcorn, her cat hoped up in front of her and started mocking her every time he'd hear her crunch. She'd crunch and he'd make a biting motion. It's adorable and also poses a lot of questions. 


Cat Pretends to Eat Popcorn


Many viewers think he was actually disgusted by the popcorn and that was him gagging every time he say his ma eating one. Others say he likes popcorn and that's his way of trying to tell his human that he wants some. And there are also a few who think that he's just a checky little guy mocking his mom for looking silly while she eats. 


The TikToker does eventually post another video that explains it all. She feeds the cat popcorn! Turns out the little guy loves it. 


Cat Eats Popcorn


People can really take “crazy cat” person to an entirely different level. So many people were convinced that she was “hurting” her cat because it looked like he was gagging. But in the next video it's clear that he loves the popcorn. The video did get taken down at one point for “gruesomeness," which is hilarious. But it was put back up once it became clear that this cat isn't being tortured simply because his mom is eating popcorn and in fact he very much likes the popcorn.


More Cat Snacks


This catto also has a sister and the TikToker posts about both of them constantly. After the popcorn video went so viral, these cat siblings now have tons of new viewers to appreciate their adorableness. 


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