Dating Fails

Mother and Son Face Jail Time for Their Forbidden Love Affair

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    Mares said she would give up the right to see her 9 other children if she was asked to choose between them and her lover.

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    "I've been having a lot of trouble from the people in Clovis. They call me incest."
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    Peterson said he started falling in love with his mom a week after meeting her. Claiming it was he who made the first move.

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    "We were hanging out just talking and I looked at her and she looked at me and I kissed her... There was a spark that ever since then it just stayed."
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    Mares was 16 when she gave birth to Peterson, who was adopted shortly after.

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    'At first I told him, "I'm sorry I don't know how you are going to react to this. I'm your mom and you're my son, but I'm falling in love with you".

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    "If I had to choose between my son and all my other kids I'd choose him."

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    Before the court ordered them not to see each other, the two lives in Mares' mobile home with her two youngest kids. One even began calling Peterson "Dad".

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    The couple are asking the public for donations to help their legal fund.

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    These photos were taken before the court made it forbidden for the two to see each other.
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    We'll just leave this here...

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