The Women's March on Saturday was a resounding success for protesters, as more than one in 100 Americans joined in at one of the many demonstrations around the country (and around the world).
But it was also a resounding success for Big Lebowski and Steve Buscemi fans because Steve Buscemi posed for a photo with a man who's sign reads, "Shut the fck up, Donny, you're out of your element." "Hey dude, I dig your sign" (Women's March in DC).
This dude gets it. Steve Buscemi definitely gets it. And now all of us get it. Great work, team.
If you don't get it, the quote comes from the Coen brothers' 1997 cult classic film, The Big Lebowski, in which, John Goodman plays a psychologically unstable Vietnam war vet who frequently tells his good friend and bowling teammate, Donny (Steve Buscemi), to shut the fck up.
via Apollonia Corleone
Other famous Donnys: that reality-TV gameshow host who took the office of president on Friday, Donny Trump.
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