It's a known fact that cats are the superior pet. They're so complex, diverse, and unique - there's truly no one like them. Yes, we'll admit that they're not the easiest pets to handle. They require lots of care, attention, and tons of love. But what pet doesn't? One of the best things about cats is their personalities. If you're a cat owner, you've probably experienced a variety of funny, adorable, and quirky cat behaviors. Besides making you smile all day and every day, they help ease stress, anxiety, and other mental illnesses.
We've compiled a collection of videos of fellow cat people a. showing us their adorable cats and b. shining a light on a few of the many benefits of owning a cat. They talk about mental illnesses, physical illnesses like heart diseases and strokes, our immune system, some more serious stuff about the purpose of life, and some less serious stuff like appearing more attractive on Tinder. The bottom line is cats are the best. We hope you enjoy!
5 More Reasons To Get A Cat
Everyone go give your cat some cuddles and snacks
Do You Deserve Your Cat?
Cats Are Like The Tree That Keeps On Giving
We Don't Deserve Cats
Absolutely we do not
More Cat Facts
We hope every cat owner knows how lucky the are to have a cat in their life <3
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