

owls walking with determination

12 Funny Photos of Owls Walking With Determination

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bird memes - thumbnail of pigeon pretending to be a duck

Owlsome Bird Memes Delivering Madness And Laughs (20 Bird Memes)

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bird doing his taxes is all of us - thumbnail of bird looking at small laptop "if your grandmother was born on the eastern bank of a river during a full moon while mercury was in retrograde, proceed to form 147-B, Question 38-G"

Alex The Honking Bird Files His Taxes And It's Heckin' Relatable (Video)

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video of a Kookaburra letting a human pet its belly thumbnail includes two pictures of a person petting a Kookaburra's belly

Adorable Round Bird Allows Human To Pet Its Belly (Video)

So round and chonky and fluffy.
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america's most beautiful bird - thumbnail of painted buntings

Painted Bunting Birds In All Their Primary Colored Glory

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viral twitter thread about a woman resurrecting a bird with her boobs thumbnail includes one tweet 'Font - Summer Heacock @Fizzygrrl Help Twitter plz help i found a bird dead, floating in the water bin we leave out for our raccoons and it was in there 20+ minutes the kids begged me to save it so i put wrapped it up and put it in my shirt for fast warming an hour later guys help my tits resurrected a bird 5:05 AM - Mar 12, 2021 - Twitter Web App 6,527 Retweets 4,405 Quote Tweets 36.3K Likes'

Woman Resurrects A Bird With Her Breasts (Viral Twitter Thread)

Not moving for an hour and then... miracle.
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tweets about the pink-necked green pigeon thumbnail includes a picture of the pink-necked green pigeon and a tweet 'Font - Rosemary Mosco (Bird And Moon Comics) @RosemaryMosco ... Replying to @RosemaryMosco Is it a pigeon or a dove? The answer is: Yes. Pigeons and doves belong to the scientific family Columbidae. Within that family, English-speaking folks basically name some species "dove" and some "pigeon" at random. Pigeons = doves. There's no real taxonomic difference. 7:13 PM - Mar 9, 2021'

Informative Tweets Discovering The Beauty Of Unique Pigeons

Who'd have thought that pigeons could be so pretty?
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pictures of starlings thumbnail includes two pictures of the starling bird

Starlings Wearing Their Beautiful Cloaks Of Many Stars (Pictures)

Pictures capturing the natural beauty of nature.
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story about the oldest know wild albatross hatching a chick at the age of seventy thumbnail includes a picture of an albatross and its baby chick

World's Oldest Known Wild Bird Gives Birth At 70

The videos are some of the cutest we've seen.
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tumblr posts about a jerk peacock that scares everyone thumbnail includes two pictures including to peacocks mid-flight and another peacock 'The feral cats, previously unaware that the Death Of The Universe And End Of All Things is currently living as a peacock, ran off at about fifty miles an hour and hid under the barn for the rest of the day. We probably should not have named the Death Of The Universe And The End Of All Things "Goofus," actually.'

Jerk Peacock Runs Around Scaring Everyone (Tumblr Posts)

Such a fancy jerk smh...
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mean bird names - thumbnail of bird called "go-away-bird" "why even go into this line of work?" | Stu Royall @stu_bot300O Why even go into this line work? More images Go-away-bird go-away-birds, Crinifer, are genus bird turaco family. Unlike many brighter forest dwelling turacos these are birds African open country and have drab grey and white plumage. Wikipedia

Birds Who Were Named By People Who Clearly Hate Birds (Twitter Thread)

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Video of bird catching bread mid-air

Bird Intercepts Bread Mid-Air

They're learning.
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gallery of baby pigeons - thumbnail of two baby pigeons resting

Strangely Adorable Gallery Of Baby Pigeons (20 Images)

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tumblr thread about a bird that keeps messing with the dog thumbnail includes a picture of a confused looking dog and the caption 'Text - kingtcholla Follow MY BIRD IS SITTING IN THE TOP CORNER OF HER CAGE CALLING MY DOG’S NAME AND ASKING IF HE WANTS A TREAT AND IF HE WANTS TO GO TO OUTSIDE AND HE'S TOO STUPID TO REALIZE IT’S HER SO EVERYTIME SHE SAYS SOMETHING HE LOOKS AT ME LIKE'

Tumblr Thread: Jerk Parrot Messing With Dog

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funny video of bird throwing various objects - thumbnail of bird throwing a jug of water off the counter and a glass off the counter

Bird Throwing Various Objects (Video)

A mood
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funny and intense bird memes - thumbnail of two birb memes one of a bird with spread feet on two cushions "both seats are occupied" and one of a pigeon wearing bread around its neck "a symbol of wealth amongst the pigeon community"

Intense Bird Memes To Ruffle Some Feathers (40 Memes)

Bring out the birbon
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