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It's Time To Meet The Newly Adopted Faces Of The Week: 21 Wholesome Cat Adoption Stories

  • 1

    "Got a new cat, Sam is not happy."

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  • 2

    "Charlie update: you all were right"

    h WIN'?

    "Charlie has grown so much this month! And you all called it; Charlie went from my foster to my forever baby…

    Also! Charlie had to get his shots today back in the city we just moved from (a three hour drive) and my wonderful girlfriend made the trip for it but that means this is my first night without my baby and I'm v sad without him so pls pls recommend some kitty toys I can spoil him with when he gets home!"

  • 3

    "Saved this little guy from a very busy overpass the other night and since then he's taken refuge on my shoulder and refuses to leave so everyone meet Keno."

    ИІТЯ Нолге Premiul cowbau
  • 4

    "Found in the dumpster tied in a trash bag. What a sweet soul as well. Poor thing. But he has no idea that I'm going to give him the most beautiful life"

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  • 5

    "Found this baby in the carpool lane the other day."


    "I spotted this tiny kitten on the freeway in the carpool lane the other day. I frantically got off at the nearest exit and called the police. They said they'd send an officer to go find the kitten and by the time I got back on the freeway (literally a minute), highway patrol was already clearing the freeway! The operator said they will be taking it to the pound so I said if the officer finds the kitten I will take him. I got a call back and I met the officer at a gas station and took him! Got him to a vet and my coworker adopted him the same day. Just has an eye infection and is now on antibiotics and eye drops. It makes me so sad to think that if I never saw him, this poor baby would've been hit and killed. I still can't believe I even saw him in the first place."

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    "We just adopted this beautiful 9 week old kitten from our local shelter. We named her Kimera aka Kiki (Japanese for Chimera). We're keeping her separated from our 2 older cats for the first week… wish us luck on introducing them very slowly. Any tips/tricks/advice on introducing her to our older cats? (Ones a very territorial tortoiseshell)"

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    "Found her days ago outside in the park, I am excited that she had just adopted me, a bit eye inflammation but cured. What should I be aware of to take good care of such young kitten?"

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  • 8

    "My mom just adopted these babies and they already stole my heart"

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  • 9

    "Colleague from work recently had a litter of 5 furballs. I'm beyond happy to get 2 of them while the other 3 are getting adopted by my brother"

  • 10

    "I have a cat now :3"

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    "My family decided to adopt this cute kitty (hes a boy) and currently he is living in the small room next to my bedroom. Once he is old enough my parents want to let him be outside and live in the garden or just somewhere outside, because he isnt a domestic cat. Hes like 2-3 weeks old and hes so cute, he always wants to cuddle and sleep on me (I doubt he will ever want to live outside because he sleeps all day and wants to be petted all the time lol). Any advice on how to give him the best home or care possible? I never had a cat or a pet before. For feeding him I read in the internet that I should feed him 4 times a day so I feed him every morning, when I come from school, once at 5pm and last time at night (around one fourth of a 85g wet meat packet per meal). We also dont have a name yet!"

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  • 11

    "Adopted my first cat"

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    "Adopted him one week ago today . My childhood dog of 14 years had to be put down about a month ago . Didn't want to get another dog so soon , so I thought a cat would be a good idea haha

    No complaints so far besides keeping me up at night zooming around everywhere"

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    "Day 2 with my adopted kitty"

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    "My husband and I are first time cat owners, and we just adopted a pair of 1.5 y/o brother and sister - on day 2 of having them brother starts laying down on our laps and purring and completely mesmerized"

  • 13

    "Just adopted her"


    "Just wanted to share. Just adopted her a couple weeks ago. I've always been a cat person while my husband is a dog person but was open to getting a kitten. We've named her Evie and she's the sweetest little thing. She also sleeps in the funniest ways"

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  • 14

    "I just wanted to share my new buddy I just adopted."

  • 15

    "This is Bug Bug..."

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    "This is Bug Bug. She suffered a traumatic brain injury as a stray kitten that left her mostly blind and...special. We adopted her from a shelter about a month later and nursed her back to health. She's 8 now. She has to wear a bell so we can keep tabs on her. Roast her."

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    "the two boys I adopted last week"

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  • 17

    "Adopted her 5 days ago."

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  • 18

    "adopted 11-year-old Whiskers this past weekend"

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    "We were adopted a few days ago. We went to pick up the dog from the dog sitters and this little guy decided to come climb my pants leg. Named him Gus!"

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    "My cat adopted me"

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    "Okay; so! Apparently the system has works and it works well! This is Karma, my pleasent surprise cat who adopted me. I work as a trainer, I have a client who lives on an acreage - went to train her and found someone had abandoned this sweet heart.

    Called around neighbours to see if it was accidental, and long story short she tried to dash into my front seat as I was leaving, so now I have a cat. And she fits in perfectly with my happy little family!"

  • 21

    "He’s on a weight loss journey (just adopted him)"

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