
cell phone

Hey I think your cell phone is buzzing. These cellular puns will have you dialing for more in no time.

Battery check fail

battery cell phone - 6569508096

Cruel and Unusual

cell phone school Vanilla Ice - 6529167104

Cruel and Unusual

cell phone school Vanilla Ice - 6529167104

Cell Tower WIN

cactus cell phone design hidden phone - 6519769344
Via Inthralld

Cell Tower WIN

cactus cell phone design hidden phone - 6519769344
Via Inthralld

Finding Your Phone FAIL

balls cell phone dogs - 6507799808

Finding Your Phone FAIL

balls cell phone dogs - 6507799808

Lucius morals

batman bomb cell phone dark knight Memes - 6489761536
Created by z01d83rg

The Pinnacle of Resentment

arms crossed cell phone puns shell teenagers turtles - 6385639168
See all captions Created by ashtonmarie11

The Pinnacle of Resentment

arms crossed cell phone puns shell teenagers turtles - 6385639168
See all captions Created by ashtonmarie11

Reasons I check my voicemail

cell phone important Pie Chart - 6456507904

Phones on the Go

bicycle bike cell phone phone smartphone - 6440571136
Created by Markslap

Phones on the Go

bicycle bike cell phone phone smartphone - 6440571136
Created by Markslap

Those Zombies Wont Know What Hit 'Em!

cell phone g rated Hall of Fame nokia peanut phone there I fixed it zombie apocalypse zombie - 6423257088
Via Reddit

Those Zombies Wont Know What Hit 'Em!

cell phone g rated Hall of Fame nokia peanut phone there I fixed it zombie apocalypse zombie - 6423257088
Via Reddit

The Low-Budget Cell Phone Holder

cell phone phone smartphone - 6408321536
Created by Unknown