

Videogames, video games, television, technology, Playstation, movies, apocalypse, nuclear, the elder scrolls, elder scrolls, Fallout, fallout 4, fallout 3, xbox, computer, gaming, gaming memes

25 Funny Fallout Memes For the Wasteland Survivor Fans of the Franchise

My second Xbox 360 game was “Fallout 3." To say I'm a fan of the franchise would be a remarkable understatement. I lived and breathed Fallout for a good decade. I still do, despite the travesty that was “Fallout 76." It's an incredibly fun and also bleak world to explore. Based on the ridiculous fanbase that the property has developed, I don't think I'm alone in saying that Fallout is one of the greatest videogame franchises to exist. At the slow, and mostly understandable, rate that Bethesda d…
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30 memes about ChatGPT | thumbnail includes two pictures of ChatGPT memes

ChatGPT Uncoded: 30 Memes Only a Language Model Could Love

0 Memes about Your Favorite AI, ChatGPT
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technology, Facebook, social media, computer, computers, Memes, funny memes, the office, Office, work, apps, programming, programmers, programming memes, Steve jobs, Mark Zuckerberg

25 Programming Memes for Computer Code Obsessives (July 14, 2023)

Happy Sunday, computer code obsessives! We're back, once again, for a calculated collection of preeminent programming memes ! Let's get into it. When the average, uninformed-on-the-field person thinks of an example of a successful programmer, their mind might immediately think of Steve Jobs or Mark Zuckerberg. For the former, come on. Steve Jobs wasn't a boots-on-the-ground programmer, he was the ideas guy and the face of the company. At least say, Wozniak! The latter, Zuckerberg, has, admitted…
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Halo, call of duty, Modern Warfare 3, video games, Social Media, gaming, gaming memes, Playstation, xbox, computer, nostalgia, relatable, middle school, childhood

25+ Call of Duty Memes for First Person Fanatics

I was more into Halo than Call of Duty growing up. It's just the better series. At least, in my opinion. At some point in elementary school, all of my friends switched over to the first Black Ops game. Nobody wants to be the odd man out in sixth grade, so I quickly followed. That was my first, and greatest, introduction to the series. Everyone's favorite Call of Duty game iteration depends on what they played in middle school. I don't make the rules, that's just how it is. Nostalgia and popular…
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computer, computers, funny memes, memes, programming, programming memes, technology, code, hacking, java, the office, Office, Tech, computer science, coworkers, boss, manager, relatable

20+ Programming Memes for Computer Code Obsessives (July 9, 2023)

Happy Sunday, programming wizards! We're back this weekend, once again, to provide you with the best and brightest programming memes . Perfect timing, right? How much has ChatGPT affected your life as a programmer? Has it alleviated the stress of programming all on your own? Has it been a hindrance because it's not exactly optimal? Are you staying far, far away from it? Programmers and tech-obsessed individuals probably have a better read on artificial intelligence than your average Joe. Either…
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code, hacking, java, programming, programming memes, The Office, computer science, work, coworkers, technology, programmers, Office, computer, computers, Tech, Microsoft

Programming Memes for Computer Code Obsessives (July 2, 2023)

Happy Sunday computer obsessives! We’re back this weekend to offer you another helping of sweet, sweet programming memes . And what better time to browse some code-based funnies than a day you all, hopefully, have off? I’ve said before, I don’t know how to code. At least, I don’t know how to code very well. I’m notoriously bad at understanding the fundamentals of any language. Combine that with a complete inability to do complex math; I just wasn’t built for coding. Thank my freshman-year profe…
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Video games, Gaming, Gaming memes, Bethesda, The Elder Scrolls, Skyrim, Oblivion, Xbox, Playstation, Computer, Role Playing, Fantasy

Elder Scrolls Memes for the Coveted Dragonborn

I remember the first time I ever played an Elder Scrolls game. My friend in grade school lent me his copy of Oblivion for Xbox. Just a few months before the release of Skyrim, I was curious about the hype, but not sold on the concept. I’m happy to say that I had a vicious stomach bug that night. So for the next days, when I stayed home from school, I got to experience the world of Cyrodiil completely uninterrupted. There’s a reason The Elder Scrolls franchise is so massively popular. I’m not go…
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Computer, Computers, Computer Science, Programming, Programmers, Code, Hacking, Technology, Tech, Java, Microsoft, Office, Work, The Office

Programming Memes for Computer Code Obsessives

Things might be a little better if I stayed in school for programming. Getting paid the big bucks to live in Silicon Valley and play around with computers all day? Sign me up! My main issue was that I’m terrible at math and professional programming is nowhere near as idyllic as what I’ve just described. I don’t have much coding experience. I took a few courses on Code Academy, goofed around making Python scripts as a teenager, and then switched my major from computer science in my second semest…
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31 memes about technology | thumbnail includes two pictures of tech memes

CTRL-ALT-DEL Your Boredom: 31 Tech Memes To Restart Your Humour Drive

31 Hilarious Memes for the Tech Troubadours
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'She was going to hire a 'professional'...': Boss refuses to stop cleaning computer until it's ruined because her method would 'really clean it out'

'She was going to hire a 'professional'...': Boss refuses to stop cleaning computer until it's ruined, because her method would 'really clean it out'

This person claims that their boss is only their boss because she just decided she was the Office Manager one day, and everyone went along with it. That seems like a recipe for disaster! You'd think that after working in an industry for ten years, this woman “Kevina” would kind of know what she's doing. The OP, u/alas_vikn, shares that they work at a stone company (and they've gotten in the habit of referring to Kevina's shenanigans as “The Flintstone Chronicles”).
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26 memes about technology | thumbnail includes two pictures of tech memes

A Byte of Humor: 26 Computer and Internet Memes to Reboot Your Day

Ctrl+Alt+Del Your Blues
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21 pictures of cats sitting on laptops | thumbnail includes two pictures of cats sitting on laptops

Lap Wars: 21 Pictures of Cats Commandeering Laptops

Cats Asserting Their Right to Cuddle Time Over Keyboard Time
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Gave my 12 y/o kid a $50 apple gift card, woke up to this, this morning. One of the charges was for $75, the lowest was $3.75, average was about $20. Did manage to get it all reversed, more in comments..

'Kid is about to lose his computer to eBay': Dad threatens to take son's computer after he runs up massive gaming bill

Owning a credit card is a big responsibility, and it definitely shouldn't fall into the hands of a Roblox-obsessed preteen. One dad found that out the hard way, as he shared with the r/mildlyinfuriating Reddit community. At first, he was just sharing a long receipt of micro transactions that his son had made at the App Store . Spend a dollar here and twenty dollars there and it can really add up fast! The kiddo thought he had a gift card to spend, but once the gift card ran out, he was able to…
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20 memes about computers | thumbnail includes two pictures of computer memes

Ctrl-Alt-Meme: 20 Hilarious Computer Memes That Compute

Do you think our computers get as annoyed with us as we get annoyed with them?
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'The games WORKED': Kid circumvents school firewall to play flash games by learning to develop websites

The best lessons in life often can't be planned for and sometimes are born from the mistakes of authority figures and the limitations they place on you. These limitations can create situations that require creative solutions to overcome them, sparking inspiration that can lead to new pathways and ideas. This guy shared the story of his days at school, being trapped there without any access to the delightful flash games of the early 00s thanks to the school's overbearing firewall. As idle minds…
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19 memes about old school computers | thumbnail includes two pictures of old computer memes

19 Hilariously Relatable Computer Memes From Dial-Up to Digital Age

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