

An enraged guy claims that he doesn't use water, but he also takes showers.

Guy Complains About Utilities Bill, Claims To Not Use Water, Takes Showers

The sheer lack of logic is all in the headline on this one.
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People describe the absolute dumbest things that they've ever heard said.

AskReddit Thread: Dumbest Things People Have Ever Heard

We all say dumb things.
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Santa hotline funny cringeworthy video

"Talk To Santa" Hotline Is A Cringeworthy Mess

Santa has seen better days.
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relationship, boyfriend, dms, weird, cringe, rejection, death, twitter

Dramatic Response To Realizing Woman Has A Boyfriend Bamboozles Twitter

Down bad
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People describe the dumbest things that they've heard other folks say with total confidence.

Dumbest Things People Said With Mystifying Confidence

Seriously, mind blowing.
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Neighbor claims that someone's private property is a communal space, and then proceeds to get towed.

Neighbor Claims Someone's Private Property Is Communal Space, Gets Towed

A completely understandable towing.
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Contractor manages to avoid a completely delusional choosing beggar | Thanks getting back so quickly, but price is way too high. My budget is around $5,000. Hi went over design, all materials chose were far over $5,000 custom tiles 60 x 30 are worth more than $5,000 alone, not mention all other things included Scope work.

Contractor Dodges Delusional Choosing Beggar

Yikes indeed.
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A choosing beggar thinks a free shower should last for their lifetime | Hello have problem with shower fitted, its either too hot or cold, can come and sort Good afternoon, unfortunately number isn't coming up as recognised, however don't really fit many showers, could remind who this is? Thanks. lain.

Choosing Beggar Thinks Free Shower Should Last A Lifetime

That's not how it works.
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Mom washes her kid's computer and then doesn't understand why it doesn't work anymore.

Mom Washes Kid's Computer, Tech Support Catastrophe Ensues

Can't make this wild stuff up.
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Man's coworker brings him meals every day, and his wife tells her to stop | AITA telling my husband's colleague stop bringing him meals she cooks everyday? Not hole F35 been married my husband Tom M32 three years recently moved new home about 4 months ago and he started his new position at private company and met new people who became friends with him outside work. His work colleague claire is bit intrusive and doesn't really respect boundaries. She'd bring meals my husband at work pretty

Man's Coworker Brings Him Meals Every Day, Wife Tells Coworker To Stop

Very, very strange.
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Karen thinks employee is a line cutter and looks dumb | r/IDontWorkHereLady Posted by u/LKJNAElhjberg 32 3 3 16 hours ago 3 Let's shake things up WORK* here, Lady XL out work because Covid, so occasionally drive my husband and work, cause he has long commute and at least once awhile can do driving him. Now, he works at Warehouse-Type Shopping Center. Between 9-10am, M-F, they have Senior Shopping. His shift started at 9:45 had some shopping do, so walked together went grab cart and go back line

Karen Thinks Employee Is Line Cutter, Gets Humbled

The Karen is strong in this one.
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A collection of hilarious and aggressively petty posts from neighbors on Nextdoor.

Hilarious And Aggressively Petty Posts From Neighbors On Nextdoor

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Man Goes Psycho On Uber Driver During A Date| thumbnail text - Chris actually had the nerve to text me the next day and I told him I don't believe assault is condoned in the Bible.

Man Goes Psycho On Uber Driver During A Date

Red flags are flying everywhere
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Cringey influencer poses in front of father's open casket, twitter reacts

Influencer Inspires Ridicule After Posing in Front of Father's Open Casket

You'd think that by now people would stop t aking photos with or in front of dead or dying people . But, alas. Every month brings a new and impressively tone deaf person to our screens, practically begging to be taken down by the pitchforks of the internet. Today's focus is on Miami influencer Jayne Rivera, who used her now-deleted Instagram account to share a series of very posed photos - in front of her father's open casket. this Instagram model’s father passed away,,,, and she did a photo sh…
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Here Are The Worst Names To Give a Child Currently| Thumbnail Text - Smile - TheBigDissapoint · 1d. My cousin named his first son King and his first daughter Queen. So there's that. 3.6k J Reply Share Report Save

Here Are The Worst Names To Give a Child Right Now

He Who Must Not Be Named
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A babysitter goes out of town and then an entitled mom expects the babysitter to show up anyways.

Babysitter Leaves Town, Entitled Mom Still Expects Babysitter To Show Up

A surreal level of blind ignorance and persistence.
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