
freddie mercury

Sing it loud and proud Freddie Mercury. If you are a Queen, or just love the historic rock band, you will be rocking your socks off with these hilarious Freddie puns.

Some of Those Faces are Musics!

bob marley freddie mercury john lennon - 6936508672

Some of Those Faces are Musics!

bob marley freddie mercury john lennon - 6936508672

I'm too fast for them !

freddie mercury shades blinds so close venetian blinds - 6937468416

The Force is Strong With This One

freddie mercury star wars the force - 6920720128
Created by scifisuede

Holding in a fart rage

freddie mercury so close fart - 6923428608

The Advantages of Being Colorblind

freddie mercury so close Challenge Accepted - 6912171520
Created by havingablast

Some Faith in Humanity Has Been Restored

freddie mercury literalism double meaning - 6867092480

Some Faith in Humanity Has Been Restored

freddie mercury literalism double meaning - 6867092480

Don't Stop Me Now

queen freddie mercury comic dont-stop-me-now Music FAILS g rated Hall of Fame best of week - 6827614976
Via Stanley Colors

Don't Stop Me Now

queen freddie mercury comic dont-stop-me-now Music FAILS g rated Hall of Fame best of week - 6827614976
Via Stanley Colors

Photographic Evidence of Water on Mercury

freddie mercury water mercury literalism misleading double meaning - 6837069312
Via Reddit

Photographic Evidence of Water on Mercury

freddie mercury water mercury literalism misleading double meaning - 6837069312
Via Reddit

Even His Own Country Hates Him

freddie mercury halftime show justin bieber - 6814896384

Even His Own Country Hates Him

freddie mercury halftime show justin bieber - 6814896384

Craig Romney Totally Looks Like Freddie Mercury

queen Music freddie mercury TLL funny - 6696343040

Humanity has been restored!!!!

freddie mercury artist justin bieber - 6749162752
Created by cabowabo155