

social anxiety, loneliness, twitter, house, twitter reactions, socializing, tweets, introvert, social, netflix, introverts, so lonely, lonely, home, twitter discourse, women tweets

Social butterfly claims lonely people shouldn't complain about loneliness if all they do is watch Netflix, scroll TikTok, and stay at home all day, enrages agoraphobic introverts: 'This is a very privileged take'

A bit harsh
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25 pictures of dogs in a junkyard and text, and 1 video of dogs in a junkyard | Thumbnail includes one picture of a man and dogs, one picture of cooking, and one picture of dogs

Heartwarming Husband Goes to Junkyard to Cook a Wholesome Meal for Lonely Pack of Stray Dogs, They Show Their Appreciation in the Cutest Way Pawssible (Video)

Faith in humanity - restored
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28 pictures of cats and text | Thumbnail includes two pictures of a cat and one picture of text including 'Found this cute little baby under our neighbors house. She has such cute little curly ears'

Cute Curly-Eared Cat Saved by Kindhearted Hooman From a Lonely Life Under Neighbor’s House, Adopts the Rare Kitten in Purrfect Rescue Story

The cat distribution system has deemed her worthy of this rare beauty
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13 pictures of animals and people, 10 pictures of text, and 1 video of a wolf and a man | Thumbnail includes one picture of an animal including 'under the ranger's comfort Became much more obedient', one picture of a man and a wolf including 'they accompany each other' and one picture of a man and a wolf

Injured Wolf Cub Rescued by Warm-Hearted Ranger, Raises and Releases Him Back Into the Wild Only to Find that His Wholesome Wolf Chose Him as his Pack (Video)

Now they are pack members for life
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28 pictures of cats and text | Thumbnail includes two pictures of cats

Lonely Hooman Adopts 2 Purrfectly Playful Cats, Wakes Up to Them Watching Over Her, Becomes Overwhelmed With Heartwarming Emotions From Her New Fuzzy Family: ‘My life feels so much more complete’

The healing power of cats
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5 pictures of cats and 23 pictures of text | Thumbnail includes two pictures of a black cat and one picture of text including '‘This cat lost his mother and littermates last year, and I lost my son. I feel like he chose me.’'

‘His lonely recognizes my lonely’: Wholesome Woman Gets Adopted By Boastful Barn Cat After Losing Her Son, Shares Heartwarming Connection Story

Get your tissues ready
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relationship memes, relationships, relationship status, funny memes, yearning, lonely, lonely memes, crush memes, crush, crushes, crushing, girls, love, love memes

30 Crush Memes for Those Crumbling Under the Weight of Their Yearning

Crushed and crushing
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54 Wholesome Soul Mate Memes to Warm Your Heart This Winter

54 Wholesome Soul Mate Memes to Warm Your Heart This Winter

Baby, it's cold outside
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yearning, lonely, loneliness, relationship memes, introvert memes, romantic, isolation, sad memes, sadness, depressing, depression memes

Memes for When You’re Yearning at 3AM

Wake up babe it's longing hour
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32 Memes for Lone Rangers Walking the Road Less Traveled

32 Memes for Lone Rangers Walking the Road Less Traveled

For lone rangers on a journey that must be done solo
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An Awkward Bucket Load of 21 Cringey Dating App Conversations

An Awkward Bucket Load of 21 Cringey Dating App Conversations

It is a Friday night, you have surrendered to your sofa, turned on the TV, and put on some garbage reality show, just to get bored enough to pull your phone from the wooden living room table posted in front of you. Have you gotten a text? No sirree. Just one missed phone call from your mom. You will call her back, you say to yourself. Soon, for sure, totally. Oh, an email from work. Would you look at that. Your eyes move slowly across the different icons… until they reach one specific one. You…
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19 pictures of penguins and text and 1 video of penguins and text | Thumbnail includes three pictures including 'Water - feathe UNILAD COLLA MOST INTENSE PENGUIN VIDEO OF ALL TIME', 'Water - UNILAD This little guy was in danger of being separated from his group when he stood on a sheet of ice that broke away. 7', and 'Water - UNILAD'

Lonely Penguin Separated From Pack Successfully Reconnects With Colony In What Could Be An Audition For Penguin Ninja Warrior (Pictures & Video)

Fastest waddler in the west
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‘He Ghosted Me After One and a Half Years’ : Women Reveal the Times They Were Ghosted When Dating An Immature Man Child

‘He Ghosted Me After One and a Half Years’ : Women Reveal the Times They Were Ghosted When Dating An Immature Man Child

No one deserves this. Boys, do better!
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Silliest Marriage Memes of the Week for the Spouse Who's Lowkey a Little Clingy

Silliest Marriage Memes of the Week for the Spouse Who's Lowkey a Little Clingy

Til death do us part, babyyyy
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breakup memes | thumbnail text - when you're doing so much better without them but you wanna know if they're miserable without you

This Week's Batch Of Breakup Memes (July 18, 2022)

Breakup with your boyfriend, we're bored
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kaavan the world's loneliest elephant is now at a sanctuary in cambodia | singer Cher in sunglasses and a face mask holding up a sign that reads "CHER KAAVAN"

Icon Cher Helps Rescue Kaavan, "World's Loneliest Elephant," From Pakistan Zoo

He's being transferred to a sanctuary
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