

Funny memes about plants | spouse notices $200 missing bank account leonardo dicaprio laughing with a plant | Houseplants am aware effect have on women @OfficialPlantMemes The Office Idris Elba

Twenty-Three Plant Memes For Plant-Obsessed People

Plant people *really* love memes.
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Funny memes about plants | My friend coming over visit. Cactus Jerk who hasn't left house week. Umbrella Academy Vanya Five | all my friends start hitting up with houseplant questions Splantsaremygirifeiend woman dressed like cactus

Twenty-Four Plant-Powered Memes For Botanical Hobbyists

Plant people, these are for you!
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funny memes about plants, house plants, gardening, funny | after potted all my successful propagations and then looking at all my plants take more clippings @thirsty.plants Frodo Lord of the Rings | my plant collection beginning 2020 BANDITS my plant collection now long gift box

Twenty-Three Planty Memes For The Green Thumbs

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pictures of plant pots with plant puns - cover pic pot with "plants are my soil mates" written on | pearls of wisdom you grow girl world's okay-est plant parent yes another new plant please don't die i beleaf in you

Cute Plant Pots With Plant-Related Puns

"You're blooming marvelous"
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Funny Twitter meme about being on a date with a houseplant | An English Human @English_Channel [on a date with a houseplant] Me: everything ok? you hardly touched your dinner. Houseplant: Yes, I'm just eating light
Via ohvalleyofplenty
funny plant memes dank memes stupid memes random memes gardening memes | All my friends are getting married and having kids while l'm over here like: | TWO KINDS PLANT PEOPLE THINK OMG, MY PLANT IS CAN DYING SAVE !

A Bunch Of Plant Memes For Flexers of Green Thumbs

Lucky you.
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Funny memes about house plants | someone compliments my plants @OfficialPlantMemes @plantkween person dancing in a greenhouse | have like 75 plants and 's watering day @plantloversmemes 's showtime.o0 The Incredibles

Twenty-Nine Plant Memes For Lovers Of Botany

Entertainment for people who prefer plants to cats and dogs!
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Funny memes about plants | Donald Trump leaning forward forget rotate plants @planty hoes | All nurseries are closed right now so l had get my Plänt buying urges out some other way @thirsty.plants 55,117 Tommy Seems like interested monstera. Animal Crossing

Twenty-Nine Plant Memes For People Who Consider Plants Their Children

We know you'd rather be gardening right now.
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funny memes about plants, swole doge vs cheems | PLANTS OUTSIDE mmm, concrete. cozy PLANTS AT HOME is this tap water? i'm allergic
Via @memebase
people share incredible pictures of the life cycles of living things pictures of leaves and fruit

Incredible Pictures Of The Life Cycles Of Living Things

Nature really is amazing
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A quick Tumblr thread honors dandelions. | taavot remember being little and thinking dandelions were fun or pretty color or something and every adult an 80 mile radius wouldn't let say without screaming ITS WEED rabbittrabbitt also like dandelions are edible, easy grow, and are rich vitamins c, k, beta-carotene, calcium, iron, manganese, and potassium

A Quick Tumblr Thread On Dandelion Rights

Dandelions are just trying to do good things.
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psa cats lilies poisonous pets animals plants dangerous important scary flowers | Lindsey Warnock May 31 at 10:06 PM On Thursday Willow played with lilies my office. She didn't eat anything. She only batted at them and got pollen all over her before shooed her away laughed initially but thank God something my head told google read All parts lily including stem, leaves, petals, stamens and pollen are poisonous cats. Even minor exposures (cat chewing on leaf or getting pollen on his or her haircoa

Cat Owner Writes PSA About The Dangers Of Lilies

Research before bringing a plant home
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Funny memes about plants | Let's go plant store ONLY NEED SOIL Significant other: Don't find wee bit suspicious? Osociaplant Shrek | cute, decorative pots with no drainage Woah. This is worthless! Gravity Falls

Plant Memes For People Who Would Rather Be Gardening

Plants count as pets...right?
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Person mistakenly waters a fake plant for 8 months | r/tifu Posted by u/Rashional3 1 day ago TIFU by watering plastic succulents S always found nice keep some succulents by windowsill. They are easy care and add little greenery my room. Back October decided spend $20 on set 4 small succulents they arrived organized them carefully on my windowsill as planned.

Well-Meaning Boob Waters Fake Plants for Months

At least they tried.
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Funny meme that reads, "Plant cells: we are so tiny that humans will never be able to see us; humans: *invent microscope;* plant cells: ..." above an image of a plant cell appearing to make the 'surprised pikachu' face
Via redmare1999
Funny memes, house plants, house plant memes, dank memes, stupid memes, relatable memes, houseplant memes | jesus using a computer blessing strangers on internet with plant advice @planty_hoes EXEP | My propagated plant s finally being potted Shrek in a mud bath

Plant Memes For All You Green Thumbs

And the wannabe green thumbs.
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