
Farmers, Herbalists, Botanists, and other Plant Experts are Using TikTok to Encourage People to Go Self-Sufficient


It can feel like a bleak dystopian world out there sometimes, especially when you get lost in the supermarket. So many options of brands and produce, where do you even begin? And why are lemons $3 a piece at this fancy market but 5 for $1 at the deli around the corner? Not to sound like a hippy, but corporations, man. They choose to inflate prices for the people, while simultaneously inflating their own salaries. Well, plant experts on TikTok are sick of it and showing the world how to grow your own food on a budget. 


These TikTokers are really stickin' it to the man. Telling their viewers not to line the pockets of these corporations, but feed yourself and your family for cheap. Plus, they not only teach you how to grow a whole bushel of strawberries from one strawberry, but they're also providing you a way to eat healthier. You know where the food is coming from and you know what exactly was used to grow them. Many of these plantTokers actually live self-sufficiently and have their own gardens, mini-gardens, farms, mini-farms, etc. to keep them fed. 


Listen, I get it, agriculture is an important part of our economy and farmers deserve the praise, because it's not an easy job and they're providing an essential good. But when the money that farmers should be getting go into the pockets of CEO of companies that have never even touched dirt with their bare hands, well… That just feels all mixed up to me. 


Grow a Huge Tomato Plant in a Bucket


This isn't only attainable by the wealthy. These TikTokers are showing you how to grow entire trees that bare fruit, tomato plants that provide plenty, and lots of herbs to keep you satisfied all on the skinniest budget. Literally, most of the tools they use are things anybody can find around the house or even just after one day of dumpster diving. Things like broken buckets, nut shells, cinderblocks, and even just random pieces of wood are useful.


One Tool and You Never Need to Buy Those Tiny Plastic Pots Again

Cinderblock Boarder for More Planting/Longer Lasting Boarder

How It Started vs. Where It's At


It's time to become self-sufficient! That doesn't mean shutting farmers out of your life forever. Most of these TikTokers teaching you how to grow on your own are professional farmers. But we can learn from them, we can meet local farmers and still purchase directly from them. These TikTok plant experts are showing us how—and many started from the very beginning with absolutely zero experience in botany or anything plants before. 


Use Dandelion Roots to Make Coffee

Cardboard for Cheap Garden Bed Fills

Water with Spoiled Milk

Grow Micro-Greens in a Strainer with No Soil


Other than the anti-big corporations rant, growing your own plants is more than just providing yourself with food. It's also meditative and makes your home feel like a magical forest to escape to. 


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