

Teacher gets PTO request denied on day with no class, takes off worse day and makes HR scramble: 'I'm there because I want to be, not because I need to be'

Teacher gets PTO request denied on day with no class, takes off worse day and makes HR scramble: 'I'm there because I want to be, not because I need to be'

Managers better have a good reason for denying someone's PTO request. Otherwise, they're practically asking for conflict. In fact, the number of legitimate reasons is quite minimal, considering that employees are granted the right to take their vacation days when they sign on to a company. In this instance, the employee was actually trying to take off days that were mutually convenient for both her and for the school in which she worked. However, her department head decided to make an issue out…
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'Square dancing': Former students share the most useless things they learned in school

"Duck and cover" too
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Sleep-deprived nurse ruins neighboring college's 50-year-old tradition: '[They were] playing the same song on repeat between 8:00am and 6:00pm for 10 days'

Sleep-deprived nurse ruins neighboring college's 50-year-old tradition: '[They were] playing the same song on repeat between 8:00am and 6:00pm for 10 days'

Kudos to this lady for not caring if she became the enemy of everyone at the neighboring college across the street. It's that level of commitment to not caring about what other people think that we all aspire to channel one day. She shared her story via this thread on Reddit's r/pettyrevenge subreddit, where she explained what happened after a particularly awful week in which the college played the same song loudly on repeat from eight in the morning to six at night for ten days straight. Evide…
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'Take notes the old fashioned way': Teacher refuses to let student bring loud laptop to class, so he brings a typewriter instead

'Take notes the old fashioned way': Teacher refuses to let student bring loud laptop to class, so he brings a typewriter instead

Teachers should use careful wording when instructing their students. This is especially true when it comes to enforcing rules and regulations because simply put, kids don't like restrictions and sometimes, they're right. Sometimes, they can be ridiculous. No texting during class? Fine. Limited bathroom breaks? Come on! You're just asking for people to dislike you. This student was told that their laptop was too noisy and that he would have to take notes the “old fashioned way.” Obviously, in hi…
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unschooling, twitter, school, Twitter Thread, literacy, parenting, educational, homeschooling, homeschool, education, math, illiterate, Parenting Fail, parents, Parenting FAILS

'My 19 year old can't spell or write': Unschooling mom with illiterate kids calls herself a failure, the internet agrees

Sounds like failing to me!
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School Admin insists on name-based email address policy, teacher gets unfortunately inappropriate email upsetting parents: 'I went ahead and followed orders'

When I was in middle school our school had an unfortunate naming convention for our school usernames that consisted of the first five letters of your last name followed by the first four letters of your first name. Naturally, my username was thus “DicksBra” and you can imagine how much fun we, being a group of 11-year-old boys had with that. Any time my username was required it was gleefully announced or entered to the tune of stifled laughter
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'[She] was the absolute worst': Teacher embarrassed in front of entire class during satisfying guest presentation

'[She] was the absolute worst': Teacher embarrassed in front of entire class during satisfying guest presentation

Who didn't dream of seeing their least favorite teacher get their comeuppance? You may be 12 years old or you may be 42, but the truth of the matter is that no one forgets that one unnecessarily cruel teacher. This, of course, would be the so-called “educator” who didn't seem to enjoy any aspect of their job with the exception of disciplining children and asserting their power over their students. This would be that teacher who pre-judged you on Day One and who never let you prove yourself as a…
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school elementary school mother principal crazy things parents say teachers teacher parenting back to school dad elementary teacher-stories mom Parenting Fail parents Father - 24880645

Kid breaks his phone at school rather than letting it be confiscated, now the parents want the school to pay: 'You better pay for my son's phone!'

Taking responsibility for your own actions is important and one of the first major lessons that a young kid should learn from their parents. Unfortunately, a bunch of kids were never taught this lesson—or if the seeds were planted… they never took root. When these kids grow up and have kids of their own, predictably the new parents are not the most reliable at teaching their own children a lesson that they themselves never learned, leading to a new generation of entitled people in a vicious sel…
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'Have you forgotten the rules of my classroom?': Student gets back at teacher who refuses to pronounce their name right

'Have you forgotten the rules of my classroom?': Student gets back at teacher who refuses to pronounce their name right

Seems like every high school has that one teacher who is a self-proclaimed “stickler for the rules.” It's the teacher who loves to tell students that the bell doesn't dismiss class, the teacher does. Or the educator who insists that there will be no phones in class, not even to listen to music, and no food, and no talking to your friends. The teacher in this person's story was a veteran educator with forty years of experience under her belt. She was really stuck in her ways, too.
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‘Oh you don't know these? Hmm, it's like all over TikTok’: Sarcastic teacher gaslights his students with made up Gen Z sounding slang

These kids just got schooled
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Mom gets back at cruel P.E. teacher for making kids run in the blistering heat: 'No one likes him!'

Mom gets back at cruel P.E. teacher for making kids run in the blistering heat: 'No one likes him!'

Everyone had an unnecessarily toxic gym teacher at one point in their schooling. Did they motivate you to be better about exercising? No. Did their cruel tactics build character in you? No. Were any of their methods productive besides helping you learn how to avoid the wrath of a bad person? Certainly not! Of course, there are effective gym teachers out there, but today, we are talking about the bad apples that need to be called out. So with that in mind, this post goes out to any of you who ha…
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Woman Quits High Paying Job In Tech To Pursue Pastry Studies In Paris, Brings TikTok Along On Empowering Journey Of Self Discovery

Woman Quits High Paying Job In Tech To Pursue Pastry Studies In Paris, Brings TikTok Along On Empowering Journey Of Self Discovery

Join this woman on her empowering journey to self-discovery, where she shares her fears, doubts, and dreams in a TikTok video after quitting a high-paying job in tech.
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'Karen was annoyed that I didn't evenly divide 7 by 2': Karen throws tantrum after her daughters were not picked as volunteers in school assembly

'Karen was annoyed that I didn't evenly divide 7 by 2': Mother throws tantrum after her daughters were not picked as volunteers in school assembly

When will the Karens of the world understand that not every event is about them? It's wishful thinking at this point to imagine that sudden self-awareness is even possible, but we live to hope for another day. Thankfully, this performer/educator had enough confidence to confront Karen with facts and receipts after Karen tried to accuse her of being unfair. The Redditor who shared this story visited schools and gave performative lectures about the importance of saving water, using volunteers fro…
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'That is really not your business': Teacher lashes out at coworker in public for asking questions about her personal life

'That is really not your business': Teacher lashes out at coworker in public for asking questions about her personal life

Keeping life and work separate is, of course, a healthy separation to strive to achieve, but it is nearly impossible to achieve entirely. Balance is important, but the inability to achieve a total separation between life and work is not necessarily a bad thing. Just ask anyone who has seen the Severance ! The fact of the matter is that you spend the majority of your week as an adult with your coworkers. They are bound to get to know you in some small way, and that is necessary for healthy colla…
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teachers, teaching, opinions, unpopular opinions, school, middle school, elementary school, high school, students

'Suspensions are absolutely a vacation': Teachers reveal their hot takes about the profession

Unpopular opinion time
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30 Teacher Memes for Educators on the Brink of Spring Break

It's almost here
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