
TikToker Shares her Sure Fire Way to Find out if Someone is Cheating on You, It Unfortunately Worked on her Boyfriend


Relationships are hard. Things can be so good for a decent amount of time, and then suddenly go south after miscommunication or mistake made by either party.


It's hard to know if you're working too hard to ‘make things work.’ Should we really be breaking our backs to make sure the other person knows how we feel about them? Should they not just feel it? Where's the trust? Is it naive to trust at all in this day and age when there are about 4 billion other options one swipe away?


These are just a couple of questions we've had on our minds. It's amazing that any of us gather the courage to put ourselves out there anymore. It's just a risk, and the reward isn't guaranteed to follow suit.


Also, we're not done with the questions.


What kind of person cheats? Is it really like a personality trail to be disloyal? Or is it more about the nature of the relationship itself? Has there ever been a valid reason to cheat? Is lack of communication a good enough reason? But how can there be a lack of communication when we have cell phones? Where is this person living, in the middle of the service-less desert? That should've been a red flag from the get-go.


Anyway, the reason we're so confused and in a state of rumination is because of this powerful TikTok video that @keepinupwkenz posted about how she found out her boyfriend was cheating.


It's a five-part series, so buckle your seat belts and let's get into it.


Part 1

Part 2

Part 3

Part 4

Part 5


Here's to only loyal significant others in our futures.


Next on CheezCake

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