Hello! Please join us today for a delightful series of Dwarf mongoose eggcercise classes. During these intensive exercise classes, the mongooses in question use a few toy eggs as their main prop, and they certainly know how to pump it up. "In the wild, dwarf mongooses open eggs by launching them through their legs with their forepaws. Hut hut hike!" Via Oregon Zoo.
We don't come across dwarf mongooses that often, so we figured we would learn a thing or two about them while we shine the spotlight! Dwarf mongooses live throughout much of sub-Saharan Africa in a wide variety of woodlands, thickets, and savanna habitats. They are the smallest carnivores in Africa and are primarily insectivorous (insect-eaters). Who knew?! Dwarf mongooses and ground hornbills have a symbiotic relationship (one that benefits both animals). They often feed together; as the mongooses disturb insects with their muzzles, hornbills pounce on the food; hornbills make loud calls to alert mongooses of approaching predators. Whattttt. Who would have thought!