TikTokers Keep Hilariously Confusing this Girl for Crying Over a Crappy Dessert, Not Realizing it's Actually a Ring Box for a Proposal


Picture this: You're in Italy. You're getting to experience all the rich cuisine they have to offer and are so well known for. You get taken out by your partner to a fancy dinner. They promise you the best dessert if your life. You take off the plate cover and all you see is a tiny red cube… Is it Jell-O? Is it the world's tiniest red velvet cake? What the heck is it?? Any foodie would be pissed at this point. But then it actually turns out to be a ring box with your engagement ring waiting inside. Are you even more happy that's it's actually a ring, or are you a little disappointed that it's not that delicious authentic Italian dessert you were promised?


“Ya girl, I'd be mad too.”

“Sometimes I forget there’s other things in life than food”


I'm not sure what side of TikTok you need to be on where people immediately are registering that this is a wedding proposal and not a total dessert fail. But the side I'm on is showing person after person crying laughing because they were really on this girl's side when she was upset that the dessert was a bunk. People are stitching the video laughing saying how they were like, “yeah girl, I'm pissed too. What kind of shitty dessert is that??” Viewers had to watch it several times before realizing that it isn't a dessert at all, it's a ring box. She's getting proposed to… Congrats


“My fat self over here thinking that was Jell-O…”

“As a fat b*tch, I'd be so mad if you f*cked with my dessert by giving me a ring…”

“This is how far away from being engaged I am…”


Some TikTokers are still pissed about the failed dessert even after realizing that it's not actually food at all. The guy proposing is basically saying you gotta choose marriage or dessert for the rest of your life—and that's not an easy decision to make… 


“I wanted to see a fine Italian cannoli, not a f*cking marriage proposal!”


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