
"Hang up the phone, I'm trying to use the Internet": Phrases Anyone Born After 2000 Just Wouldn't Understand


You know what, the new generation is already trying to copy Y2K fashion, so if anything, all this is coming back in style. The new generation is just jealous they missed out on the birth of memes, social media, and the internet in general. We see you bringing back those low-rise bellbottoms with the hem getting ripped and wet more and more every time you where them. You guys did not invent skorts, calm down. Let us talk about how we miss actually hanging up the phone and be nice to us, we're getting old.


“Roll up the window”

Remember when we had to actually ROLL up the window?? 


“Just blow on it”

Only old gamers will get this one… 


The Mouse Ball

Sometimes your mouse would stop gliding well, so you'd have to take out the ball and give it a little clean—just like new!


Top 8

If your friend removed you from their top 8… You just weren't friends anymore. 


“This is your brain on drugs”

We all know the classic anti-drug campaign. But really, all this did was make me hungry. 


“Insert Floppy Disk”

The IRL save icon! lol Goddamn we're getting old… 


Collect Calls

Why pay for the collect call when you can just insert everything you need to say in the name part?? Iykyk. 



You had your whole weekend setup in one shop.


“As If”

I really don't even know how to explain this one. You just had to have been there… 


Knowing Where Someone is Calling From

Back in the day, when you called someone you used to have use a landline, so it was obvious where you were. Now, with cellphones, you can literally be anywhereeeee.


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