Jaguar vs Leopard
One of the biggest animal mix-ups; leopard or jaguar. Leopards live in African Savannas, and jaguars reside in the tropical forests of South America. Jaguars are also known to be much larger and bulkier than leopards and jaguars are actually very fond of water.
Seal vs Sea lion
Sea puppies! This is another very common animal to mix-up, but seals are covered with fur and have tiny front flippers, leaving them constantly wiggling on their bellies to move around. A sea lion, on the other hand, has massive front flippers for easy movement and have smooth skin.
Wasp vs Hornet
Both are terrifying. Hornets, however, are larger and have an orange and black coloring with spots, instead of stripes. Wasps are brightly colored with yellow and black rings. Don't get close to either trying to distinguish whether it's a wasp or hornet, that's our advice.
Alligator vs Crocodile
I'll admit, this classic mix-up is one that's plagued me for years. So how do we tell them difference between these two ancient reptiles? Their snout! crocodiles have prominent, elongated V-shaped faces while alligators have shorter, wider U-shaped ones. Also, crocodiles display a "toothy grin" in which every 4th tooth is visible! How oddly specific...
Donkey vs Mule
Welp! Caught again, I did not know there was a difference between these two. And it's actually a bit more tricky than that, while donkey is its own species, a mule is a hybrid of a donkey and a horse. Which makes totally sense when looking at the bottom picture.
Wolf vs Coyote vs Jackal
The main difference between these fluffy fellas and ladies is location. Jackals can be found in Africa, Asia, and India; coyotes reside in North America; wolves can be found anywhere. But are usually pretty distinguishable due to their large and sturdy size. Coyotes and jackals are definitely leaner and more fragile-framed than a wolf.
Wolverine vs honey badger
The honey badger that lives in Africa and the wolverine that resides in the northern forests — both belong to the Mustelidae family. Wolverines are taller with longer legs and noticeable ears and have brown fur with yellow rings. Honey badgers keep closer to the ground and have black bodies with a white "cape" on their backs.
Seagull vs Albatross
One is a food-stealing jerk and the other is not! Seagulls are found often by seas, ponds, or other bodies of water. They do not like to go on long voyages such as the albatross. Albatrosses live constantly in flight over the sea, they even have unique nostrils that allow them to filter out salt from water and food!
Mouse vs Rat
There are 3 ways to tell the difference between a mouse and rat.
1. Size. Mice are tiny, rats are not.
2. Tail. Mice have thin long tails covered with fur, rats have thick tails that are hairless.
3. Ears. Mice have adorable large ears in comparison to their face while rats have ears that are portionate.
Weasel vs stoat
While closely related, stoats are larger, have a long tail with fuzzy black tips. Weasel's have shorter tails and are the same color as the rest of them. Stoats and weasels also move differently than each other, a stoat will bounce with an arched back and weasels keep closer to the ground. Oh, and cool fun fact, stoats, in the north, turn white in the winter.
Dolphin vs Porpoise
Cute and cute! The difference between these two cuties comes down to their snouts, fins, and over figures. Dolphins have long snouts, a more slender and muscular body, and curved dorsal fin. Porpoises have more rounded and sloping face, smaller flippers, and shorter triangular dorsal fins. We are big fans of both.
Moth vs Butterfly
You may be thinking this one is easy, but if you look at the photos you might realize that the two can look awfully similar. Here's the easiest way to differentiate between the two: a moth has sort of a tent-like wing shape, whereas butterflies flap heir wings vertically. And one settled for a quick rest, moths will leave their wings open and butterflies will close their wings. They also have different length antennas, butterflies being longer. And moths are mostly nocturnal insects while you'd never see a butterfly at night.
Hare vs Rabbit
Hares are large. And fast. They have longer ears and a longer legs. They eat twigs and bark and are known to be solitary animals. Rabbits, however, are a great cuddly pet. They are soft, small, adorable, they enjoy vegetables and soft grass. Rabbits are also social animals who enjoy the company of others.
Raven vs Crow vs Rook vs Jackdaw
Not going to lie, definitely have been confusing ravens and crows for one another for many, many years. Most corvids do look similar but there are distinct variations. Ravens are the "loftiest and most fashionable thanks to their "beard" of throat feathers." Crows and rooks, on the other hand, have a distinct grey beak and fancy feather "pants." Jackdaws are just the goofiest-looking due to their much shorter beaks and round heads.
Turtle vs Tortoise
These slow cuties are often confused for one another but a turtle is aquatic and has almost a psychedelic marking, resembling stains and circles on the water to help camouflage in ponds. The tortoise is a land animal and spends most of its time on the ground.
It's a trick question, there is no difference.
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