
This Japanese Island Has More Cats Than People

  • gif many different colored cats walking on pavement in aoshima cat island

    Aoshima is a tiny island near the bottom of Japan. It was once a busy fishing village, but as the work moved elsewhere the people did too. Today, around 15 residents (human) live on the island, most of whom are over 75. And then there are the cats. 

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  • gif large group of multicolored cats walking around on aoshima island

    It's hard to keep track of the cat population on Aoshima, but it's estimated that there are around 120 cats living on the island. But how did 120 cats make their way to an isolated Japanese island? Originally, the fishermen of the island had an infestation of mice that would wreak havoc on their fishing boats. And what's the perfect solution to get rid of mice? Cats.

  • gif many cats on cat island aoshima island japan

    The cat population began to multiply rapidly, and soon the cats far outnumbered the humans living on the island. Presently, the ratio of cats to humans is around 6:1. That's six cats per person. I think that would suffice for me. 

  • gif elderly woman in yellow clothing throwing food to huge group of multicolored cats in aoshima

    Although all of the residents on Aoshima are elderly, they take it upon themselves to make sure all the cats are fed. There have also been efforts to neuter many of the cats in an attempt to curb the skyrocketing cat population. 

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  • gif huge amount of different colored cats walking along path in japanese fishing village

    But for the meantime, it doesn't look like the cats on Aoshima are going anywhere soon. And that's good news for all of us, because it makes me feel a little better about the world that there's an island full of cats. 


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