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Meow Over Vincent van Gogh: One-Eyed Kitty Named Jack Has an Eye for Art and Shows Off His Painting Masterpiece


Great artists have a je ne sais quoi about them and their creative abilities. Painters like Vincent van Gogh, Pablo Picasso, Frida Kahlo, even Michelangelo all have that thing about them that has no name but you know it's there because you can see it in their art and their technique. Well, it's time for the art world to accept Jack the one-eyed cat into that inner artist circle. 


One-eyed Jack's cat mama started a TikTok for this cat artíst under the username, @jacktheoneeyedwondercat. There are only a couple of videos posted to the profile so far, but Jack is already a huge sensation. The second video is showing off how talented this little kitty is. Though he only has one eye, it's used as an eye for art. The sweet feline has created a masterpiece and has shared it with the clock app. It, of course, says so much by saying so little. It's absolutely purrfect, and the video of his masterpiece in the making got almost 200k views before it was even up for a whole day. 



This technique of cat painting is very simple to do with any cat, to be honest. You simply put a bunch of drops of paint on a canvas, put the canvas with the wet paint in a sealable plastic bag, throw some catnip on top of it, and let your kitty roll all over that bad boy. When you take it out of the bag, a masterpiece will have been born! Some art cat mamas will even put some stickers on the canvas before the paint so you can have some stencil work going on. 


“I don't know where he gets his artistic talents from”



Jack's mama is by no means the inventor of this painting method for cats. You can see people getting all kinds of beloved pets to paint master pieces this way. With dogs people do the plastic bag technique but put peanut butter instead of catnip on the bag so they lick their masterpiece into existence. 


Another Cat Artist

Simba & Kami Painting Cat Duo


The trend actually started in TikTok around last year, and now pet masterpieces are blossoming left and right! 


Even a Dog Can Do It!



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