
Girlfriend Refuses to Live With Either a Long-Term Boyfriend or a Fiance Until After Marriage: Unpopular Opinion


This day and age it is completely normal to live with a significant other before marriage. Typically, the only people that are living alone are single, simply like their own space, or reject the idea of living with a significant other for religious reasons.


Gabi, aka @gabrielleguglielmetti, has shared that she would never, under any circumstances, live with her boyfriend until after they were married. 



Unpopular opinion



Hope that’s not a deal breaker. 

Nowadays, it’s getting harder and harder to afford life in any major city unless you have a high paying job or are willing to compromise with a roommate. Life with a platonic roommate such as a friend from college, a gamer nerd in the basement, or someone’s widowed grandma may not be as glamorous as the life of a lone bachelor (or bachelorette), but it certainly has become the norm. 

Gabi, on the other hand, believes that it’s against her Christian ideals to live with a boyfriend before legal marriage. Of course one of her main reasons for believing this is also because she wants her marriage to mark a huge change in her life, which is totally fair! However, isn’t the act of becoming married already a giant change in your life? 

To some that may sound like a huge risk to wait until after you’re legally bound to move in together. What if you don’t like the way your boyfriend does laundry? Or what if you can’t stand that he leaves his shoes on the floor? Or maybe he has a secret cookie jar collection that requires its own room? Young people these days often use the “living together” phase of their relationship to weed out the issues in their relationship. 


Either that or people simply can’t afford the cost of living on their own! Life is expensive and for most of us that means that we can’t stand our ground on foregoing the “living together” phase even if we wanted to.


However, for Gabi, it’s non negotiable. 



Simply for the reason that she’s able to stand her ground and do what she believes in, power to yah. As long as your boyfriend is perfectly aware that that’s where you stand (and is okay with that), we should all be able to live out our dreams and desires surrounding marriage. 

We just hope, for Gabi’s sake, that her future husband doesn’t insist on watching TV shows with subtitles or worse, leaving dishes in the sink to “soak” for days. Best of luck!



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