Cats Completely Baffled as Water Keeps Mysteriously Shutting off Every Time One of Them Tries to Drink From the Faucet by Jumping on the Handle


Cats hold many answers to many things—what is the point of life? What is the universe? Why did curiosity kill the cat? All the answers to those questions are definitely held within the heart of a kitty cat. They are wise and majestic and can read humans like a book. There's a reason the ancient Egyptians worshipped them as gods and crazy cat people still worship them. 


But, then there are things that cats will never understand. They most likely don't speak english (unless they're choosing to ignore us, which I wouldn't put it pass them) and they don't know why dogs are so friggin' excited all the time. And now, TikToker @asphole96 has discovered that the grand feline does not understand how a sink faucet works… 



Her orange kitty every so gingerly taps his way over the sink. She turns the faucet on for him to get a sip, but for some reason the water keeps stopping every time he tries to get a drink. What is going on here?? He doesn't understand that he is on top of the faucet handle and every time he dips down to taste the crisp sink water, he's shutting it off with the weight of his body. 


The cat thinks maybe he's just not fast enough to catch this watery beast—so he slams his body into the faucet handle even harder in order to dart his mouth down to the stream as quick as he can. The water still shuts off before he can catch it every time. He must be getting frustrated because he is body slamming the faucet handle pretty hard now in order to achieve the fasted speed. He just keeps trying over and over again to no avail. 


His kitty buddy standing right next to him watching this all go down simply stares on with a look of complete confusion. It is obvious he has zero idea what is possibly going on as well. He doesn't even attempt to catch the water himself, he sees it disappearing and he doesn't understand it, but he's accepted it. 


“You’re confused? I’m freaking confused, bro…"


Will the kitties ever get a taste of that switch crips bathroom sink faucet water? How long will the attempt to defeat this witchcraft until the give up? That's only between the kitty and that fountain of life sink. 


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