
Funniest Therapy Tweets Of The Week (March 3, 2021)

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    Font - goblin king @distastefulboy ... airdropping this to everyone in my therapist's office 5:19 ul 5G ( Notes dont be sad you're too sexy aha

    Remembering that you're sexy even when the going gets tough is key to getting back on track. Your therapist might not tell you this outright, but you and everyone else in the waiting room know this to be a basic truth. Stay strong, therapy fam. You'll be okay as long as you're always keeping it hot and dangerous. 

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    Product - Squid Lord @JsChr1st Broke up with my therapist bc ***therapy is too expensive*** but her response was this, which honestly sums up our experience but I'm also just vibing it Sorry, Enjoy Life. March 2, 2021 at 06:45am 8:26 PM - Mar 2, 2021 from Brooklyn, NY · Twitter for iPhone

    As rewarding as therapy is, that sh*t can get expensive. Sometimes relationships don't work out, even with your therapist. According to the therapist in the tweet above, all you gotta do is part ways on good terms and "enjoy life." You were trying to figure out how to do just that, but it looks like you're gonna have to find a new therapist in order to discover the secrets to enjoying life. 

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    Wheel - Vader Lite @bread_pitttt Therapist : What do we do when we meet a toxic person who's v bad for us ? Me : 8:36 PM - Mar 2, 2021 - Twitter for Android
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    Font - Adam @adamgreattweet men would utilize therapy if it was in a 3-in-1 with shampoo and body wash 9:46 PM - Mar 2, 2021 - Twitter for iPhone
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    Font - Jenna Moreci @jennamoreci How I casually describe therapy Its kinda like taking a shit after being nauseated lol Sucks to be nauseated but afterward you feel so much better How was your day 12:12 AM · Mar 3, 2021 · Twitter Web App
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    Mouth - Mike Mason ... @mikebmason "i'm totally fine and don't need therapy at all" 12:50 AM - Mar 3, 2021 - Twitter for iPhone
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    Forehead - stoned madame zeroni @stonizeroni when yr therapist tells you you're doing a really good job 12:04 AM - Mar 3, 2021 · Twitter for Android
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    Facial expression - Unemployed Little Bitch @SKRUGS My favorite workout is obscuring the truth from my therapist so I don't feel feelings
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    Rectangle - Grace Freud @GraceGFreud My therapist just said "You have access to a particular niche of people that I simply do not know about" when I brought up Twitter. 6:55 PM - Mar 2, 2021 · Twitter Web App
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    Forehead - Mr. Juicy @jake2gays ... My therapist isn't emailing me back
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    Rectangle - Hella badid @milouwu_ Dudes with commitment issues be like who want me? bitch your therapist bye 12:06 PM - Mar 3, 2021 - Twitter for iPhone
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    Facial expression - emma * @wnbafcc my therapist trying to get me to say i love myself 2:33 AM - Mar 3, 2021 - Twitter Web App
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    Water resources - lester @squeeduard "men will literally learn everything about ancient rome before going to therapy" anyways look at this epic aqueduct aha 8:29 PM - Mar 2, 2021 · Twitter Web App
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    Font - Glasses - belle (ugly) @Cranbelle ... my therapist: don't worry. beanie sanders can't hurt you. beanie sanders:
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    Font - Cartoon - cum dumpling @aspen_isafreak ... Me when everyone in my group therapy said they liked my poem


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