
The Clubbing, Jetsetting 20 Year Old That You Once Were is DEAD and Now Prefers to Garden Tasty Little Veggies and Cute Pearl Tomatoes



As we age, different things become more important in life.


For example, a 5 year old thinks that saving a ladybug from the rain gutter is the most important thing in the world. A 10 year old might think that their missing two front teeth are of the utmost importance. A 15 year old hates their parents and can’t wait to get their license.


But after high school, decades get lost in one another and there seems to be no clear pattern anymore in everyone’s hierarchy of needs, wants, and desires. Your twenties are a strange time indeed.


For one TikToker, Tiffany Moon, a mother, doctor, and health and wellness vlogger just recently posted a video showing exactly how most adults deviate from their early selves through new hobbies.



The evolution of me



Some 20 year olds, particularly in Utah, are already a mother of 5 children by the time they’ve had their first quarter life crisis, but then other 20 year olds still live in their parents basement, receiving allowance money that they’ll spend on shots for strangers at the club.


Like Tiffany points out, maturing and finding new hobbies isn’t necessarily a bad thing. Sure the club is a good time and it’s fun to get dressed up and go dancing, but look at the size of these home grown cucumbers? And how gorgeous are these Chinese eggplants?




Honestly, Tiffany makes an excellent point about how different things become interesting and important as we mature. Age is obviously a factor in a lot of the maturation process, just ask any fine cheese or bottle of wine, but circumstances also play a huge role in how a person grows up and evolves.


Take that 25 year old mother of 5 in Utah! A woman like that might have no desire to do most of the things 25 year olds do everywhere else simply because it doesn’t matter to her. She might like crafts. She might enjoy watching children’s soccer games. She might have a wine and paint club she attends every week.


You never can tell a person’s maturity level just by looking at the date on their drivers license. What makes us interesting as people is our bottling process, harvest date, and maturation– oh wait, I’m talking about wine again.


Regardless, Tiffany, we salute you! Go get your hands dirty and harvest some vegetables that you could have bought at the store for $.25 cents. You go girl! 


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