
Tub and Toilet Debate: TikTokers Answer How Each Family Member Has Gross Habits That Screw Up Bathroom Cleanliness


For both germaphobes and clean-freaks alike, the bathroom is a place of sacred divinity that can either be an infectious swamp or a white porcelain oasis. For most adults, keeping the bathroom area clean and welcoming is a constant struggle, as it is often a place where the dirtiest of deeds occur and has a near constant flow of water in and water out.


The toilet, sink, and tub gotta be clean… This ain’t a frat house.



On top of that, bathroom cleanliness needs are not always matched by the people you live with. Oftentimes, it’s common for couples to have differing views on the correct way to keep the bathroom clean. As the Martin Family points out in a series of TikTok videos, sometimes it’s the simplest of measures that can be taken to ensure your entire household is happy.


Mrs. Martin shares her opinion on a man’s duty in keeping the bathroom clean. Naturally, that involves reducing the amount of liquid splattering that occurs when going #1. It seems also that every other female in the comments is quick to back her up.



Showing him how to properly use the restroom



While we’d all like to avoid as many splatter spots as possible in the bathroom, it’s proven to be a nearly impossible task for all men to follow. Even putting the seat down is a chore that many wives and sisters have endured over the years.


Mr. Martin makes a counter point however, that sends every woman running and ashamed. Those ladies in the comments of the first video are probably all pretty quiet now, huh? 



Women complain about the seat being left up… Meanwhile…



It looks like this couple has a bone to pick with each other about bathroom cleanliness! To be fair, a sink full of makeup and hairballs in the shower are far worse than a measly drop left on the toilet seat. Accidents happen, but the disorganized makeup and shower hair feel a little more intentional.


Whomever is right in this situation, has a point– albeit both feel pretty justified. If everyone can just agree to not be disgusting, the bathroom is generally a better place to be.



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