Although the talk of the town recently has been more centered around the Millennial vs Generation Z war, the boomers sure still get their fair share of roasting. They're not quite off the hook yet either unfortunately. How could they be though? They are so damn corny. And it will never not be entertaining to watch them deal with technology as if its their direct enemy. There is no "Ok, Boomer" without real life boomers, and for that, they are iconic.
If you know any boomers, which you most definitely do, you might find this Twitter thread relatable.
As a daughter of a boomer, I can 100% confirm that this is accurate. D0 boomers just love to use technical terms as verbs? Like, "Are you instagraming that?" and "He facebooked me." I think I'm onto something here. They have their whole own technological slang. We might just be too slow to catch on.
This is freaking adorable. I know there are a lot of issues with boomers, but not all of them.
This one seems a bit aggressive for me. Like, why do we have to get nukes involved in everything? Maybe that's a question I shouldn't be asking... too political. Nukes and politics aside though this is kind of funny. Maybe we should start saying we're going to nuke our popcorn?
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