Ten Iconic Oscars Mishaps To Prove This Year's Oscars Was Quite Normal

  • 01

    The Time The Wrong 'Frank' Accepted The Award

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  • 02

    The Time They Put A Living Woman In The 'In Memoriam' Slide Show

    Hair - JANET PATTERSON Costume Designer
  • 03

    The Time A Mystery Man Disappeared With An Oscar

  • 04

    The Time Sam Smith Mistakenly Said He was the First Openly Gay Man to Win an Oscar

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  • 05

    The Time Sammy Davis Jr. Announced the Wrong Winner

  • 06

    The Time They Accidentally Gave 'Moonlight's Oscar to 'La La Land'

    Coat - This is not a joke, "Moonlight" has won Best Picture abc
  • 07

    The Time John Travolta Decided To Tweak Idina Menzel's Name A Bit

    Forehead - Please welcome, the wickedly talented, one and only, Adela Dazeem.
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  • 08

    The Time Laurence Olivier Forgot to Announce the Nominees

    Gesture - "Amadeus!"
  • 09

    The Time There Was A Streaker On Stage

  • 10

    The Time Jennifer Lawrence Fell Going UP The Stairs



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