I Can Has Cheezburger? Newsletter

Cat Medley: Cuteness Galore, Funnies, Rescues, And Appreciation

  • 1

    "Popeye is ready to kick cancers butt"


    And we are ready to give Popeye all the love and support we possibly cat. Popeye looks like a strong kitty, unafraid and ready for a fight. We hope so so much that this lovely cat truly will kick cancer's butt and stick around with its loving humans for as long as possible. Good luck, little guy!

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  • 2

    "My husband is a cat magnet, that's not even our cat."


    You have heard of a chick magnet, now get ready for the cat magnet. And let's be real, if you are on this page, you would most likely go for the cat magnet man a whooole lot faster than the chick magnet. Unless we're talking about actual chicks... the animal. Then, we might consider the other one too. 

  • 3

    "This cat has a side quest for you."

    Window - Lapa Alla Lebedeva
  • 4

    "Romeo is going to his forever home today. He is a part of the 130 cats rescued from a hoarder. Hopefully we can get the others into homes too."

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  • 5

    "Welcome to the void"

  • 6

    "I've always wanted a desk cat to keep me company when I code. I have finally achieved it"

    Computer - 10Me回
  • 7

    "What we browsing today hoomin?"

    Cat - Por Pe In bwdokum. POr lopla Ny tuhtekum. PIN he M 所
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  • 8

    "The new supervisior"

  • 9

    "Husband saved a stray kitten from being attacked by a male tabby. Now he's a cat person in two days."

  • 10

    "The orange kitten I rescued from under my stairs two days ago already knows how to pose like a supermodel."

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  • 11

    "This baby had been returned to the shelter by previous adopters..I will never understand how someone couldn’t want him. He is the best companion and he is my best friend <3"

    Joint - RERLY E
  • 12

    "Two cats that follow me to school"

  • 13

    "Good Morning from Glitch :3"

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  • 14

    "Couple days ago the black cat refused to even be in the same room as the kitten."

  • 15

    "Emaciated & knocking on deaths door to the healthiest most loved boy ever"

  • 16

    "My foster kitten is part domestic shorthair, part vampire"

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  • 17

    "My cat checking if I'm okay in scary water thing"

    Cat - Dr Teaks Bath Spiae
  • 18

    "Pets? Please? <3"

  • 19

    "Newest member of our family , little Autumn"

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  • 20

    "Baby O ?? he’s 10 months and finding his voice and it’s so damn cute"

  • 21

    "exercise time"


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