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There's nothing quite like snooping through a stranger's cabinets, using their things, making a huge scene, being told to check your facts, getting defensive about it, and then ending up being completely wrong. Where do they find people like this? For some more wildness, here are the worst houseguests people have experienced and a pregnant employee's shirt-tucking work revenge. But to wax philosophical upon the nature of this particular madness, follow us to the paragraph below.
We don't get many true farces these days. Every story we see has to have some kind of higher concept. Some kind of subtext. Some kind of deeper meaning. The thing is, life doesn't really work like that. Sure, we learn things when we make mistakes, but oftentimes we just learn not to make that specific mistake again.
For example, this lady. She thought she'd just lucked herself into a free pregnancy test. And in a true-to-form, Tartuffe-level farce, she was straight-up wrong about that, dug her heels in, and made things worse for herself.
Is it inappropriate to compare this lady's dumb shenanigans to the critically acclaimed work of Moliere? Honestly? No. Sure, Moliere was "satirizing the hypocrisy of the church" or whatever, but mostly what he was doing was designing simple foibles and horny shenanigans. Just cause it's old doesn't mean it's special.
The fact of the matter is that this is the stuff Chaucer was made from. And don't get us started on him. This is FAIL Blog. We know Chaucer like the gorillas at the zoo know your mom's queynte.
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