
Man Angry At Wife After She Says No To His BFF Moving In With Them And Their Newborn

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    Font - r/AmltheAsshole u/ko7an1 • 10h 1 3 AITA for not letting my husband's best friend move in with us?

    It was Reddit user u/ko7an1 who took to the 'Am I The A-Hole' community to ask if she was in the wrong for not letting her husband's best friend move in with them. Seems like a really generous offer for her husband to make...

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  • 2
    Font - I've known my husband, and subsequently his best friend, for 6 years. They're childhood friends. His BFF, let's call him Andrew, is what you'd call a "lovable idiot". He's really funny, and a good friend to my husband, but also a complete man child and doesn't make the best life choices.

    Before diving into the story the OP provides some necessary backstory. Her husband's best friend has clearly been a part of their lives for some time now. But It's been six years, it might be time for some change.

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    Font - Like I said Andrew is fun to be around but doesn't have the best judgment. Throughout the years he's blown his money on toys (motorcycle, 4 wheeler, etc.) and only has $2k saved up. Last week he approached my husband asking if he could move in with us for the next 9 months in order to save money. He said he can't save much each month due to the cost of his rent and he's really wanting to finally start saving and accumulate some funds for a down payment on a house and also save enough to p
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    Font - I love Andrew. He was the best man at our wedding. But I don't think I could tolerate living with him. Since they're childhood friends, when Andrew comes around him and my husband act like teenagers. They drink, play video games, wrestle with each other.. it's like a middle school bromance. I think it's hilarious and all in good fun when it's just once a week or biweekly that they're hanging out. But I don't think I could handle it for 9 months.
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    Font - To top it all off my husband and I just had a baby in January who is barely 6 months old yet. I just want my husband and I to focus on our family and the big adjustments that come in the first couple of years of having our first baby. I feel bad that Andrew is in a financial predicament but fail to see how that's my fault. When I told my husband no, I could tell he was disappointed and he tried to argue with me about it. I'm starting to feel bad because like I said Andrew is a good friend
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    Font - bamf1701 • 10h Colo-rectal Surgeon [39] NTA. Sometimes friends are best taken in small servings - living with them would destroy the friendship. Also, you have a newborn! You are 100% correct that your husband's focus should be on the family and not playing video games with his BFF. G Reply 1 175 3 ...
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    Rectangle - mdflmn • 10h Asshole Aficionado [16] NTA: Him moving in would make the home a frat- house. With a new baby, yeah this is a no brainer to say no. G Reply 1 92 3 + ...
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    Font - ToothpasteOysterSoda • 10h NTA. You have a baby. You don't have the time or resources to take care of three right now. G Reply 2.8k 3 ...
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    Font - Here_for_tea_·4h Partassipant [1] NTA, Offer to sit down with him and help him work out a budget. Check out the debt free community on Instagram and reddit for tips. Encourage him to aggressively pay down debt. Then go home and look after your baby with your husband, because you're busy and your household doesn't need more loveable chaos. 4 68 3
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    Font - ddra196 · 10h Asshole Enthusiast [8] NTA. If you let Andrew in, he may never leave. Don't expect him to change his spending habits just because he's living with you and no longer needs to pay rent. Most likely, he'll be a drain on your finances and he won't be able to move out since he'll never accumulate enough funds to pay off his loans and put a down payment on a house. G Reply 4 1k 3 + ...
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    Font - Pythia_Of_Elysium · 10h NTA. Someone with questionable judgement that sounds like a bull in a china shop doesn't mix with a small child. I have kind of an uneasy feeling that you would have him for a lot longer than nine months. He sounds like a good guy without a mean bone in his body, but he doesn't sound like he's god a lot of ability to understand that actions mean consequences. 6 Reply 1 43 3 ...
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    Font - ko7an1 OP • 10h I should add that when andrew asked if he could stay with us, he did say he'd pay for his own groceries, cover some utility costs, mow our lawn for us, etc. So I do appreciate him not wanting to be a total mooch. But that is another added worry for me, splitting costs or anything money related with friends is never a good idea. When I brought that up to my husband he was dumbfounded as if he'd never consider it turning bad, which I understand cause it's his BFF. I just thi
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    Font - essssgeeee • 10h He could sell some of his toys for a down payment, or to pay off debts. He could work a axons job. NTA G Reply 43 3 ...
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    Font - blueflash775• 6h Partassipant [3] NTA. Husband doesn't want Andrew to stay to help him. Hubby wants Andrew to stay because it will be fun. This is what my crystal ball tells me. Andrew moves in. He and husband act like teenagers. They drink, play video games, wrestle with each other. Husband takes less and less of a role in the household and the child. OP feels ostracised. Andrew mooches more and more, shits on the toilet seat, spends all of his money and becomes unbearable to live with.


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